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One Month Later

"Yeah bitch!" I said throwing a water balloon at Lex.We were at Kylah lil pool party/get together whatever you wanna call it. Hella people was here so ill be damned to call it a get together.

"Ight you got it. I quit" Lex said putting her hand over her face

"Pop!" Kylah said throwing one last one at Lex and missed.

"Your aim is ass i lie to you not" Me and Lex laughed.

"Fuck yall" Kylah said going back into the house.

I walked over to the grill to get something to eat. "Im hungry as hell on god"

"Shit me too all that runnin i just did."

I laughed and grabbed me a plate

"Ill be back" she said as her phone ringing

Probably that toxic ass boy Ty... AGAIN. They just can't leave each other alone. Kylah and Quincy are still talking which im happy she finally settled down with somebody n stopped bein a hoe. Im still not talking to Christian and i like it like that. I've been happier lately

I sat down and started eating. Just before the last bite i felt like my ass was bout to throw up. I walked in the house and went straight to the bathroom.

"Whats wrong?" Kylah said seeing me fly upstairs.

I kept on to the bathroom and swung the door open. I lifted up the toilet seat and threw up. Both my bestfriends ran into the bathroom to see what was going on.

"Omg" Ky said pulling my hair back

"Wtf did you eat" Lex added on

"I only ate a burger." I said flushing the toilet and washing my hands.

Lex says getting the cleaning supplies . "You should go home if youn feel good"

"Yea go get sum sleep man" Ky also said.
At my House

I sat on the bed motionless not knowing what to do. Thinking of why i was throwing up but i couldn't think why.


I started to think about me and christian. I remembered I had missed my period that month. Should i text my friends? Should I buy a test? Nah It was just a one time thing. Its happened before when i wasn't sexually active. Or maybe i should still go buy one just in case?

I got in the car and drove to the closest Walgreens.It took about 15 minutes.

At the Store

I say in the parking lot and stared at Christians comment. I wanted to take the test first and if I actually was pregnant..he'd be the first to know. We haven't talked in a while but he's the last person I messed around with.

I got out the car, locked my doors, and headed towards the store.

"Hello, where are your pregnancy tests?" I asked the cashier.

"Hi, they should be in the middle of aisle 4" she said pointing

"thank you" I said walking towards the area.

I looked for the most expensive one so the test would be accurate af. I paid at the register and walked back to my car

Back at the house

I flew upstairs to the bathroom and took the test. I waited until the results

Oh my god...

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