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I got outta bed and put on my robe. It was almost two in the morning so wasnt no need to get all cute this time. I popped a piece of gum in my mouth and flicked on my TV.

Ion know how far away his hotel is so i really didnt know how long it would take him. I sat back and began to think.

There's really a real life human being growing in MY stomach..

And all I could think was am i ready and why is it taking Christian so long to tell his girl

After about 15 minutes I heard a car door shut. I looked out my room window but didnt see anyone so i figured he was already at my door

"Coming" I said walking downstairs

I saw through the skinny rectangular window on the side of my door and saw someone not even a slight similarity, looked like Christian....

I opened the door "Yes?" I said confused


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"Yes?" She said answering the door with a look

"Hi im not sure if you know of me and I dont mean to come off as stalker-ish but I saw some messages in my boyfriend's phone and I just wanted to confirm what's going on with you before I talk to him."

"Yeah I know who you are" She said moving from in front of the door. "You can come in"

I walked in and looked around. "Thanks"

I didnt know where she wanted me to go so I just walked into the kitchen and sat at the bar. "Im sorry, I didnt get your name?"

"Kemani" She said quick and short

I looked down at my phone seeing Christian text me multiple times. I silenced it. "Okay im Breah. I dont want to take up too much of your time so I'll just jump to the point."

"Okay" She said leaning against the counter

I looked at her for a few seconds. "Are you pregnant?"

"Yes.." she stopped. "But honestly it was a mistake

"How?" I asked with a straight face

"We were texting for months and we linked up and I got drunk and it just happened. But it was a mistake I knew he was dealing with someone and I-"

She continued as I zoned her out.

So she knew he wasnt single and still kept seeing him? Now i dont usually do the ghetto fighting type shit but its taking everything in me not to slap this bitch into tomorrow.

"Wait..ok" I said holding my hand out. "You KNEW we're together and you still decided to see him? That's just not making any sense to me"

She stood there speechless. "Yes i know, and i'm sorry"

"I hear you but I think we should see what Christian has to say" I pulled out my phone and looked at all the notifications I had from him. I facetimed him and it took him no time to answer

"You took too long now we missed the flight" He said loudly into the phone

I skipped the talking and flipped the camera.

He looked in the camera with squinted eyes and didnt say a word

"So now you cant talk?" I said flipping the camera back around

he scratched his head before saying anything "look I can explain"

"No, just come, Im sure you know where i am" I said ending the call and looking up at Kemani. "Now we wait"

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