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WE REACHED THE clearing before the Volturi appeared. The smell of Wolf blood lingered in my nostrils for a little too longer than my liking. I will admit that the clearing looked like bodies had just been dumped, there was so many of them. I don't think one was completely intact. Apart from the girl Esme and Carlisle had saved in return for a surrender, she looked too young to be knowing what she was doing.

"You guys should go" I motioned to Bella and Edward who were still holding hands. We were all together now, everyone still in one piece thankfully. Jasper gripped my hand tightly as if I'd float away if he let go, I didn't mind.

"It's too late" Alice turned to the start of the clearing. I could see the Volturi racing through the trees, as terrifying as ever. Hidden by cloaks and gold jewellery, making their pale faces and crimson red eyes stand out even more. I gulped audibly, unable to hide my discomfort and anxiety.

They appeared in front of us and even though there was more of the Cullens you could tell the Volturi had the upper hand, they stood so tall and mighty, knowing nothing could tear them down.

"It seems you've had quite the show here" the female, Jane, spoke. "It's a pity that we missed it, isn't it?" The members behind her nodded their heads in agreement. I'm sure a lot of them live in fear.

"Yes, if you'd had only came half an hour ago I'm sure that you would have filled your purpose" Edward sounded arrogantly confident. I could see why he was angered by the Volturi, they were making him turn Bella into a vampire which was definitely the last thing he ever wanted to do.

Jane locked eyes with me and tilted her head down. "I'm sure you all had everything under control" oh how I'd want to rip her head off her body.

"That's right" Carlisle stepped forward. I could tell he wanted to diffuse the situation as quickly as possible, it was very tense. "And now we are done here"

The girl edged nervously out from behind me and I heard Alex, Janes brother, chuckle next to her. "I think you've missed one"

"I don't think so" I have no idea why I said that. But it sounded very patronising.

"Is that so?" He took a few steps towards me. "Aro will be delighted to see that you have transitioned into a powerful vampire. He has great plans for you"

Aro can suck my ass.

I stepped down, frightened of where my big mouth would get me. Alex's strong gaze flickered to Bella, who was clinging onto Edwards arm, he tensed. "But it appears your sister has not made the same choice. A deal was made, if you remember correctly"

Bella's eyes stayed glued to the ground. "It will happen. A date is set"

He clapped menacingly. "Very good! The rest will be pleased to hear about our advancements. I hope you are too" Turning his back to us, everyone relaxed. They were leaving. "Oh and kill the girl"

A large man from the Volturi stalked towards us, aiming for the girl Esme and Carlisle had saved. I could hear them chiming. "No, please! She'll tell you what you want you don't need to kill her! We will take responsibility for her please!" But it was no use. I stayed still. Helpless. There was nothing you can do when faced with the Volturi. They were too powerful. I stared at my feet as I heard the girls neck being snapped, then her limp body falling onto the grass beside me. I need not look.

The Volturi vanished, back to where they usually reside I assume, looking for some child's soul to snatch or a baby to make cry. I would never join them, I'd rather die a fiery death. And by the looks of things, that was my fate.

"I need to go and check on Jacob" Carlisle told us as we all made our way home. My heart stopped. "What happened to Jacob?"

Jasper was still holding my hand. "He was badly attacked by a newborn, Carlisle will take care of him though don't you worry. He will be as good as new in no time"

Even though Jacob didn't like me anymore I still cared about him. I told Bella to send him my prayers when she visits him later on tonight, I don't think they'd let me in.

Jasper and I sat in his room all night, just taking in each other's warmth and company for as long as possible. It wasn't very often we got to do this. It felt right. Edward and Bella would get married in a few months, we would all move out and go on an adventure together and not think about the Volturi at all. It would be bliss. Especially when Bella is a vampire. We would bond over hunting and do things without the fear that Bella would injure herself. I can't wait until she feels what being a vampire is like. I'm sure she'll love it. Everything had fallen into place and for once I wasn't uneasy, I was at home.

At home, with Jasper Hale, the one I love. And everything was finally at peace.

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