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"YOU'RE JOKING RIGHT?" I could practically see Jacobs tense and pained look through the wall, I didn't realize how horrific he actually smelled, like a giant wet dog, I knew what they meant now for sure. "This is just great!" Definitely sarcastic. I didn't need to see him to understand how he felt about being told that I, his best and longest friend, was now his enemy, a bloodsucking dead..thing, and that we were asking him and his friends to fight alongside us. I'm honestly noy sure how we even made up this plan, it would never work, they're too stuck in their ways. I'm only here to keep Bella and dad safe, Jasper thinks I can't take care of myself now but he's mistaken.

"We wouldn't ask unless it was an emergency. Bella and Scarlet are in danger, there's an army of newborns on their way into Forks and that doesn't just affect us, it affects you and your family too. You don't need to fight with us and risk your lives but it would really help" Jasper looked back at me as he spoke. We we're outside the Cullens house and I had been told to hide in case Jacob does something as I'm sure he absolutely hates me now, I don't blame him honestly.

I edged forward a tiny bit, just seeing Jacob through a tiny crack in the blinds. He stood proudly, puffing out his chest. There was about 7 wolves behind him in the tree lining, i'm assuming they we're backup. "Where is she?" He paused, closing his eyes. "Scarlet are you there?" I was frightened to move, a huge part of me hoped he could look past the whole being dead situation I had going on. "I can smell you" Rude. He didn't exactly have the nicest aroma now either.

I looked at Jasper and Edward, they nodded and stood in front of me as I stepped into the doorway. "Hey" My eyes had returned to their amber state which was a plus, I'd imagine seeing me with giant red eyeballs would have made this a whole lot worse, least I looked somewhat normal, to me anyway. "It would really mean a lot if you guys helped us out, please Jake"

He scanned me up and down, I willed for him to remain calm and not cause a scene, I could practically feel the heat and anger radiating off him. "So the person-thing, the thing who did this to you is coming back for more?" In a way i'm glad it wasn't Jasper who turned me, less hate from Jacob.

I nodded. "They're coming for all of us, a whole army of newborns, they're strong and we don't know if we can take them all ourselves. Having wolves as a backup would be really good"

Looking back to his friends in the trees, I think they were speaking to each other because he went quiet for a while and then turned back with a funny grin on his face. "An opportunity to kick vampire ass? We're in" he became serious. "But not for the vampires, for Bella and Charlie. And if you think that this forms some kind of alliance, you're wrong, this is a one time thing"

Ouch. I'm glad he was helping Bella and my dad but it was still incredibly painful to be grouped in with people that he hates, I had hoped an exception would be made, guess not. "Thank you"

Jasper nodded with me and stood forward, looking to his brother and then back to Jacob and the wolves. "We will need to be prepared. These newborns are nothing like us, they're stronger, faster but more careless - at this point in their existence they will do anything for the smell of blood. We can use that to our advantage" Mr  Military man sounded so confident and hot as he spoke. I knew he was pulling experience from when he was first turned, I remember him telling me when we were on top of that hill. He had the most experience out of anyone, I trusted him.

"And her" Jake motioned to me, "How is she any different? Surely she's more of a risk to us because she's so new"

Jasper shook his head, "Scarlet is different, she has abilities. Gifts that make her more in control than the others" I knew what he was talking about, the more time I had spent around Carlisle and the rest of them, the more I was in control. Somehow using their abilities to enhance myself - however I still have absolutely no idea how to control or use any of these abilities consciously. It's all kind of happened without me meaning it, thankfully I've never had to try and control anything in a dangerous situation but I feel that's gonna change soon.

Despite being totally not on board with the whole plan, Jacob and his pack agreed. We would meet tomorrow in the woods that connected the two sides of the land, very symbolic. Honestly, I was scared. It wouldn't take much for everyone to start ripping each other to shreds since nobody trusts anybody now, but if this is what it takes to keep Bella and my dad safe then I would do anything. I must admit, i'm a tiny bit excited to be actually using my powers and strength, I've felt so pent up these past few weeks constantly trying to push it down and keep them at bay, I hope I can do it. It would be pretty embarrassing if I was a rubbish vampire.

"And what happens if this all goes downhill?" I nudged Bella as we watched Jasper and Emmett 'play fight' though it looked like they were hurting each other, I guess this is how they were letting off steam until the wolves appeared and everything gets tense. To be fair, it looked quite fun actually. It was helpful knowing they weren't actually out to hurt each other, I had never given much thought to fighting but now that the situation has presented itself I guess I will just need to put my fear behind me, I can't stand like a spare part anymore, i'm useful now.

"Honestly? Not a clue. I think Jacob is pretty mature enough to not let a silly fight get between them but I can't say the same for this friends, from what I've seen they're all very hormonal, Ya know, the whole being an animal thing can't exactly help the situation" She chuckled. I agreed, this would be difficult. Especially with Edward being the go between as they'll be in their wolf forms. I guess they don't want us to see what they're like as humans, which is understandable.

A branch snapping from behind the trees made me snap round, I don't think I'll ever get used to this new hearing, it was a gift and a curse sometimes. Hearing the neighbors going at it isn't exactly what I want to hear when im trying to relax. I don't sleep now either so going for late night strolls is all me and Jasper seem to get up to, he's the one that showed me his favorite places to walk. I guess he had a lot of free time.

"They're here" Edward called to everyone, Jasper helped Emmett up off the floor and we all came together in suspense. It did cross my mind that this could've been a huge attack but that's where the trust comes in. We just need to trust.

The wolves, as a collective came over the hill. They looked beautiful in the light, all boasting different colours and shades. Carlisle stood forward, Edward was translating what the wolves had to say as he could read their minds while they were in wolf form, very handy indeed. "Welcome everyone"

This was either gonna go really badly, or decently good. I wasn't exactly excited to watch them attempt to play kill each other but it had to be done. Hopefully I'll learn a few things too.

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