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JUMPING, I WHIPPED around to face jasper, who was already staring at me. He looked startled. "What did you just say?"

"What do you mean?" He giggled.

"You just- I heard you say, about me and-" I stopped myself, did I just imagine him calling me beautiful? What kind of sick twisted lonely mind do I have? "Nevermind, I just thought I heard something"

He sat up. "You sure you're alright? You seem spooked"

Spooked because I'm that lonely I imagined my boyfriend who's not actually my boyfriend complimenting me? Not spooked at all. "I'm fine, I think I'm gonna read a book and chill"

"You sure?"

"Yeah, I'm not sure what's getting into me lately, I think the whole gifted nonsense is really getting to my head" definitely.

"You think Alice might be right?" He pulled back from me and furrowed his eyebrows.

I didn't actually think that I had read his mind at all, there was no way he could be calling me beautiful and if he did, why wouldn't he tell me himself? He's never exactly been shy with his feelings before so why now? "I'm not entirely sure"

"Don't worry, you don't need to be one hundred percent sure. It'll come to you soon enough and if it doesn't, you're no less special to me"

Smiling, I leaned forward and mocked his southern accent. "Oh Jasper Hale, you do know how to make a women swoon don't you"

Cracking a smile, he laughed. "I do not sound like that at all"

Tilting my imaginary cowboy hat, I nodded. "Do too, sir"

"Oh really! Wow you are shockingly good at accents aren't you?"

He was too cute. "It's my hidden talent I'll have you know"

"Oh really? That makes you have 2 hidden talents then! Alice was right"

I stopped mocking him and slumped back. "All seriousness, I don't think I'm a syphon at all. I just, don't feel it. Like, I feel like I would've felt it by now"

He shook his head. "You need to be more observant missy"

Missy? "Observant how? It won't work"

"I think you'll find that Alice has been completely right and you are in fact a syphon. You just have to look in the right places"

Right places? What is he even on about, there's no way in hell. "Confused.." I stated.

His hand found its way to my knee. "You read my mind earlier. And you didn't even know you did it!"

Insanely confused. "What?"

"For the record, I was going to say it on my own terms. But, I think that you are the most beautiful thing I've ever laid my eyes upon"

My heart metaphorically stopped. "So earlier when I heard you?"

"I was tracing your features, counting the freckles on your face, hoping that no harm would ever come to your beautiful heart. You must've subconsciously dipped into my mind and heard me"

If it was possible for a soul to melt, mines would be gone. "Jasper, that's the nicest and most kindest thing anyone's ever said to me"

Bowing his head. "Pleasures all mine. Now how bout we go an see how the rest are getting on? I'm sure they'll be missing us by now"

"Um, sure" with my glass half empty, we walked out. I couldn't help but feel that more needed to be said. I wanted to say more. I wanted to kiss him. I wanted to tell him exactly how I felt. How much I loved him.

an: I'm so sorry this is lame af, I hope that you can appreciate it was a difficult scene to write as I want the relationship to blossom slowly. please vote and comment on what you think!!

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