And Then I Saw Him

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Hey guys, I'm Kayla and this is my first book on here that I actually put thought into.
This story will involve love, happiness, sadness, mystery and a tiny bit of aggression.
I hope you enjoy it as much as I could hope you can.
(Rachel's POV)
I was walking through Melbourne Central, or should I say running, I had to get to my job interview. I'm applying to a great music school in New York, and I think they frown upon being late. Ahh! I was running so fast I couldn't even think, i felt something pulling me back but that didn't stop me.
Next minute there is a man standing in front of me with big blue eyes, blonde hair and a cheeky grin, with my new guess bag.
"Oh, thank you so much, I didn't even realise-" I couldn't get in another word before he cut me off.
"Don't worry, I found it a few minutes ago and saw you running so I guessed it was yours, I'm Andrew" he said
"Well thank you anyway, Andrew, I'm Rachel and I'm late"
And with that I unfortunately have to keep running, I bolt into the building panting and puffing. Surprisingly the man meant to be interviewing me came in late and thought I was early.
"My name is Josh" he said "I will be with you in a moment"
"Okay" I reply trying not to gasp for air.
I search in my purse for my phone and find a tiny piece of torn up paper, I pull it out and found this: "Call me, 0416 642 807 - Andrew"
I can't believe he put his number in my purse, kind of sweet actually.
Before I could send him a message I get called into my interview.

(Andrew's POV)
I was basically shaking as I handed her the purse, I took a guess that it was hers. Not because she was bolting and had no bag, I made the guess because I wanted it to be her. She looked so sexy. She sounded so sweet and sophisticated.
I really hope she calls or texts.
She was wearing a cute little dark blue dress as she was running, I don't know how she was running while wearing the most tallest heels I have ever seen.
Pure beauty.
Why didn't I ask for her number?! Would that be too eager? Ahhh!
I sat in a coffee shop just wondering and waiting outside the train station, a few hours went by, at least I brought a book with me; To Kill A Mockingbird.
I see a woman just walking around, she was about to get on the train.
"Wow that's a gorgeous blue dress- WAIT" i notice it was her and I quickly jump on the train too.
"It's you" I said to her
"Yeah It is me"
After a few minutes go by of me just staring at her beauty she tells me she has to get off at this stop. But just before she leaves, she tucks a bit of paper in my pocket with her number on it! I almost have a fit on the train. She smiled as the train left.

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