It just keeps repeating, playing over in my head.

19 0 0

I have a few jaw breakers and having a hard time placing them.
I don't want them to just be blurted out.
I want it to be out of the blue. But you now know, but you don't know them.
It's 9am, ive been at the hospital all night, so tired, and my eyes just shut then jerk open, I wish I could sleep. NO I have to stay awake,for Andrew.

"Hello Rachel, I am doctor Montgomery, I believe the patient I am looking after is your boyfriend, Andrew. Right?" The doctor says

"Um yeah, i-is he okay?" I stutter and barely get my words out of my mouth.

"At this point it is a waiting game, he is in a coma, there is a 75% chance he will revive and be fine, there is a 25% chance that he won't. We are doing everything we can, why don't you go home and we will call you if anything happens" he explained

"I u-uh no, I uh have to be here, be here for him. I-I can't leave now." I say barely with my eyes open.

"I am very sorry Ms Montgomery, why don't you go get some coffee and something to eat?" He slowly says

"I uh, yeah that might w-wake me up" I say while walking away

I feel awful, he is in here because of me. Yuck I probably look terrible, I should go to the bathroom.
I walk past the sign that says ladies.
I look in the mirror.
Ahhhhh ew, I look awful. I feel awful. This sucks.

I walk over to the sink and wash my hands, then slowly clean my face.
I have Giants bags under my eyes and my eyes are red from crying. Black on red. I think not. I wash my face and enter the cafeteria.

Oooof, I sit down and the chair slowly glides to the right. I basically collapsed.

"Hello?" A tall man says

"Oh uh hi" I reply not even bothering to open my eyes

"You look like you need a friend, are you okay?" He says will frowning in a sad sympathetic way

"Oh, okay. I'm doing fine. I'm Rachel" I say quietly

"I'm Jason" he says with a boyish smile, haven't seen that in a while.

"Hi Jason, why are you here?"

"Why are you?"

"My boyfriend is in a coma" I tilt my head

"Oh I am so sorry to hear that, I was hoping you were single"

"Are you kidding me? I am over here looking like a dead zombie feeling terrible that my boyfriend is in a coma and YOU are trying to HIT on me?! Do you have no respect for women?" I say whilst getting up, angrily.

"I am sorry" he tilts his head.

I run away.
I run into the room he is in. And fall into a lump on the chair, I was a ball of tears.

Uggghhhhhh. What happened? Wait why can't I speak?!
I can't see. I can't speak. I can't move. Where am I??
I hear something!
"Beep, beep, beep, beep"
What is that? Sounds like a hospital.....machine.....
Why am I in a hospital?

"Hello Rachel, I must speak with you" says someone

"Yes doctor, is something wrong? How is he??" I hear Rachel's voice!

"Well from my observations, Andrew may be able to hear us, not see us, he can't talk, but he may be aware of sounds and things like that around him. The good news is he can make a recovery. Bad news is-" he was cut of by Rachel gasping

"B-b-bad news? Oh god what is it?" She says with a cracking voice

"Basically it's his choice to come back, if he wants to live he must fight because that is the only thing keeping him alive. You help. If he can hear you, it will help him."

"Oh god, he better fight as much as he can, I am not ready to lose him" I feel a warm hand touch mine and hear the sound of my heart rate beep faster. "Stay" she says. Stay. Stay. Stay.


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