Another Warning

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The three teens stared in shock as time almost seemed to stop. They didn't quite know what to do. The sedan in front of them was slowing down to a crawl, probably to give the archer a better shot. Pete and Slim were still fiddling with the bikes, completely unaware of the danger they were in. Frank snapped out of the stupor first and began barking orders.

"Biff, honk your horn! Get their attention! Hurry!!" Frank crawled into the front while Biff let out a series of honks as he sped up. Pete responded by turning towards them and taking off his helmet. He then saw the crossbow and rammed into Slim, sending them both sprawling to the ground. But the crossbow shot at the side of Tower Mansion, a note flying from the back. The sedan picked up speed, took a U-turn, and sped past Biff and the Hardys. The two men either didn't bother to look, or didn't notice the Hardys, or didn't care at this point, because they just kept on going.

"Biff, turn around!"

"No!" shouted Frank. "We need to check on Pete and Slim!"

"But," began Joe.

Frank looked at him. "We're not supposed to be investigating, which means we can't go after them." His eyes seemed to grow sadder. "I know, I know, I want to go after them too, but we promised Mom, Dad, Aunt Trudy, and Chief Collig we wouldn't."

Joe grumbled as he threw up his hands and sat back in his seat. "Of all the rotten times to be pretending to not investigate."

Biff glanced between the brothers. "So . . ."

Frank sighed. "Let's go check up on Pete and Slim." Biff glanced at Joe. Joe sighed and nodded. Bif turned into Tower Mansion's parking lot. Joe did agree with Frank, their friends were important, but what made them different was how they went about it. Frank would go check on them while Joe would go after the goons and beat them up. He let out a soft growl as Biff parked. Those guys better watch it, they shot at Frank and were just going to shoot at two of their friends. That made Joe real mad, and he aimed to get back at anyone who threatened his friends and family like that.

"I get the first punch," he muttered as they got out of the car.

"Say what?" asked Frank.

Joe just shook his head. "I'll tell you later." Frank just looked at him a moment before taking off towards Pete and Slim. By this time, Slim's father Perry Robinson and his boss, Hurd Applegate, had come out to see what was going on.

"Are you boys alright?" asked Perry.

"What in tarnation is going on?" exclaimed Hurd. "You boys can't leave my property alone?" He marched angrily over to the arrow and plucked it out of the wall.

"Oh no, Mr. Applegate!" said Slim, his eyes widening. "Frank and Joe could have looked for fingerprints!"

Frank sighed. "We already have two of them at home, there's none to be found."

Pete and Slim slowly turned their heads towards the Hardys. "What do you mean you've got two of them at home?" Pete asked as he crossed his arms.

"Are you two solving another mystery?" asked Perry at the same time.

"Yes," said Joe, beaming.

"Even though we're supposed to be laying low right now," said Frank, shooting Joe a warning glance.

"Yeah, right, so, keep this between ourselves, please," said Joe with a cheeky grin before shooting a glance at Frank. Frank rolled his eyes.

"And they're shooting arrows at you?" asked Hurd incredulously.

"Do your parents know about this?" asked Perry, concern lining his face.

The boys nodded. "That's why we're supposed to be laying low right now," said Frank, "but we had no choice this time, those guys were following us and we didn't want to lead them home. We're sorry for putting Slim and Pete in danger."

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