This Mill Has Eyes

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Joe came back into the living room with a couple of sandwiches, munching away at one. Man, good old bread and meat. Frank was still on the phone. But he was also typing away furiously on his cell phone.

"You got all that, right?" Frank nodded. "Ok, good, just do that and we'll be good. Thanks for telling me, Ken. Bye!" He hung.

"What did he say?" asked Joe before taking another bite of his sandwich and holding out the other to Frank.

"Ken said he also overheard them talking about needing to leave in the morning!" Joe paused mid bite and blinked in surprise. "The bombing could still happen tonight! We've got to get back there!"


"I've already texted the gang. Tony and Chet said they can meet us back at the mill."

Joe quickly swallowed his bite. "The mill? Wouldn't the cave be better?"

"Joe, we've got to be inside the guardhouse so we can text Mom and Dad as soon as their guy shows up!" Frank grabbed his sandwich and stuck it in his mouth before turning and rushing out the door.

"But how are we supposed to get into the mill? They're guarding it!" exclaimed Joe as he followed his brother out to their bikes.

Frank paused, but he quickly chewed his sandwich. "Maybe we could call them out, pretending to be Victor or Blum. We know what they sound like, or at least, sort of."

"Yeah, that could work!" Joe quickly finished his sandwich and put on his helmet. "But we'd have to make it quick once we've called them."

"If we can call them," said Frank, walking back to the house. "I'm going to call Ken and get the number to the mill! Be right back!" Frank dashed into the house and quickly made the call. He got the number and was back out the door almost as soon as he hung up. Joe had everything ready and tossed Frank's helmet to him. Frank caught it, strapped it on, and climbed on his bike. The two took off towards the old mill.

The two stopped at a gas station. Frank pulled out his phone and texted Tony and Chet. He got a reply a minute later.

"Joe, think you can mimic Peters's voice?"

"I can try. I didn't exactly pay that close of attention to it." He glanced at Frank. "But what would I say? If they're expecting him and Blum later tonight, they'll just say to wait until they get there."

"Unless the truck breaks down?" suggested Frank.

Joe rubbed his chin. "Hmm, that could work. But we would need to select a place in Bayport that is on the way from the farmhouse to the mill but far enough away from the mill that it will give us time to get into the mill."

Frank huffed. "You're right. What would be a good place to tell them?" The two boys went through a map of Bayport in their heads.

"Hmm, maybe the Parker building?"

Frank nodded slowly. "That could work. We just need enough time to get over there and get into the mill before Blum shows up."

"Alright then." Frank handed him the paper with the number on it. Joe let out a breath. "Well, here goes." He walked to a pay phone outside the station and placed the call. He took a few breaths to steady himself while the phone rang.

"Elekton Industries, night guard Markel speaking. Can you please make this quick? I have to be out of here in a minute."

"Markel, it's Peters," said Joe in a gravelly voice. "Truck's down by the Parker building. Need you to get out here, quick!" He quickly hung up, his heart pounding. He let out a breath before dashing back to Frank.

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