A Phone Call

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Joe snatched the phone from his aunt. "Who is this? How did you get this number?" The line went dead.

"But, which case was he referring to?" asked Jack as he took the phone from Joe and hung it up. "You two are on a case, and so are both of your parents."

Frank and Joe shot a worried glance at each other. "I bet it was Mom and Dad's case," said Frank worriedly. "We've already gotten our own warning."

"And since they can't get a hold of either of their cell numbers, they had to call the house," said Joe. He glanced at Jack. "They're in real danger!"

"I'll contact your father and let him know about this," said Jack. He placed his hands on his hips and eyed the boys. "But first, what's this about getting your own warning?" The teens told him the entire story, interrupting each other from time to time with some slight correction or what they thought was a necessary addition.

When they had finally finished their story, Trudy gasped. "They shot arrows at you?" She turned to Jack and grabbed his arm. "Please make them stay home and let the police handle this!"

Jack patted her hand reassuringly. "You know they take after their father, and from the stories I've heard, their mother as well when she was their age."

Trduy threw up her hands. "Exactly! Do you know how many times those two and their little gang got close to dying, scaring me nearly half to death?"

Jack held up a finger. "And, if these two are anything like their parents, they've got a whole bunch of luck rubbed off on them that should keep them safe until each mystery is solved." He took both of her hands into his and looked deep into her eyes. "And you of all people should know that they have formed such deep friendships that their friends will always have their backs. Plus, Laura's given them some of her brain power, they know how to think on their feet."

Ellen let out a squeal and clapped her hands. "Ooh, when's the wedding?"

Trudy threw up her hands again. "Oh for crying out loud!"

Jack laughed. "It's a work in progress. You'll have to forgive her for waiting so long, their parents did kind of traumatise her with their mystery-solving back in the days."

"Traumatise? Traumatise? I was worried sick, to the point of nearly dying! Since Dad was gone a lot, I was in charge of Fenton's well-being, and I have no idea how Mrs. Bolton was able to handle it! Mrs. Keen on the other hand practically encouraged it!"

Jack reached out and pulled her into a hug. "But they came back, every time, right? And they will this time."

That's when it hit Frank and Joe. She was equally as worried about their parents as she was about them! Joe went over to her and patted her back. "Don't worry, Auntie, they'll be back before you know it."

"I think the only thing that will throw Dad for a loop is having Mom there with him," said Frank. "He's been solving cases on his own for quite a while now that he's not used to having her help."

Jack chuckled. "Oh, I highly doubt that would ever be a problem for your dad."

"See?" said Joe. "They'll be just fine!"

Jack gently eased her out of the hug. "As a matter of fact, I can still call him. Do you want me to do it now? Will that ease your anxiety?" She nodded and sniffed, wiping a tear from her eye. Joe took over the hug while Jack pulled out his phone. He dialed the number and put it to his ear. "Hey Fenton! How's progress on the case?" He began to smile widely before bursting out into a laugh. "OK, OK, I know, you just got there." There was another pause as he grinned. "Yes, actually, there's been a lot going on here, your boys seem to have had quite an adventure. Hang on Fenton, let me put you on speaker and they can tell you and Laura all about it." Jack put his phone on speaker and for the third time that day, the teens told their story. They finished it up by telling them about the ominous phone call they had just gotten.

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