Paper Trail

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Joe spluttered and coughed as he finally came to. Another splash of water hit his face. He coughed again as he slowly peeled his eyes open. "I'm up! I'm up! Don't drown me!"

He heard a sigh of relief. "Oh thank God you're alright!" Joe's eyes became adjusted to the darkness and saw Chet's worried face ease a little with relief. Joe glanced around, they were on the bank of the river not far from the cave. Frank and Biff were lying nearby, still unconscious. Everything came back to Joe in a flash and he reached for the back of his head. A large lump was beginning to form where he had been hit from behind. "Are you alright?"

"Well, for having been hit hard enough on the back of my head to knock me out and nearly getting drowned to wake me up, I seem to be doing fine," muttered Joe.

Chet sighed with relief. "Oh thank goodness." He put a phone to his ear. "Joe's come around! Frank and Biff are still unresponsive."

Joe's eyes widened. "What? But, but Biff was knocked out first!" He tried to stand up, but Chet pushed him back down.

"No, you might have had a mild concussion," said Chet firmly. "Besides, you need to rest, I can't carry all of you back to the car." Joe wanted to help, but he realized the wisdom in his friend's words and merely nodded. But he propped himself up on his elbow to watch Chet tend to his brother and Biff, the phone was still pressed to his ear. "I'm going to try waking up Biff and Frank again. Give me a second." Chet put the phone down and began taking handfuls of water and splashing them on Frank's and Biff's faces. Joe let out a whoop as hot tears spilled out of his eyes when Biff came to first.

Biff slowly sat up and his hand went to his head. "Ow, my head."

Chet picked up the phone. "Biff's up! But the first thing he complained about was his head, Joe didn't do that. He was complaining about the water in his face." Chet listened to the person on the other line, Joe figured it was Jack Wayne, and nodded. "Right, now only Frank is left." Chet put the phone down again and filled his hands with water again and threw them on Frank's face. He was unresponsive.

Joe knew he needed to be still, but concern for his brother made him crawl towards him and tried to shake him while Chet went to get more water. "Come on Frank, wake up. Please wake up!" Chet came back and splashed the water on his face. They waited a few moments anxiously, but he still didn't come around. Joe was practically sobbing at this point now. "Frank, come on!" Chet went back for more water. Biff placed a reassuring hand on Joe's shoulder.

"He'll come around, give him a moment," said Biff softly, but the look on his face showed that he was worried too. Chet came back and splashed water on Frank's face again. This time, Frank began to sit up, coughing and sputtering. His sudden movement startled the other three, but then Joe let out a loud whoop.

Chet gave a cry of joy before putting the phone back to his ear. "Frank's come to as well! We'll wait a few minutes before we head out. We should be at the Hardy's house in about a half hour." He nodded. "OK, thanks, bye!" He hung up his phone.

Meanwhile Joe hugged Frank. "You're alright! Don't scare me like that!"

But Frank seemed to ignore him as he glanced around questioningly. "Wh-what happened? Wh-where are we?" His eyes then widened. "Joe, the clue!"

Joe felt in his pockets. The paper was gone. "Augh! There were fingerprints on there, weren't there?"

Frank sighed. "That, or he needed the paper too." He slowly stood up. "But at least I have a picture of it." Chet gently pushed him back down.

"You can grab your phone out without standing up," he said firmly. "Mr. Wayne suggests you all take a few moments to rest before we head to the car." He pointed to himself. "And I'm driving, so don't even bother arguing with me."

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