The Clue at the Farmhouse

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Frank and Joe were up bright and early the next morning, feeling even better than the day before. They had gotten almost nine hours of sleep, and it did wonders. They bounded down the stairs, only to find their aunt and Jack Wayne chatting over breakfast.

Jack smiled at them as they slid into their chairs began eating heartily. "I see you two are feeling much better this morning."

"Oh so much better," said Joe between bites, "I feel like I can think again!"

"Oh brother," muttered Trudy. Joe looked at her in surprise.

Jack chuckled. "Well, that's good to hear. Frank, what about you?"

"I think I need some food in my stomach before I can answer that one." He grinned. "But I am feeling better too."

Jack laughed. "Good!" He placed a package on the table. "This came in for you, Frank. But wait until you've finished eating to open it."

"Your new phone's in!" whooped Joe.

Jack nodded. "Yup, they got it in much more quickly than I thought, but I am glad. It wouldn't do you any good to share one phone between you."

Frank frowned. "But my old number, and all my contacts . . ."

"Has been transferred to your new phone," said Jack. "All you need to do is to confirm that you got it and unlock it. Everything else should be there."

Frank sighed with relief. "That's good to know."

Jack nodded. "And I think it would be best to get on the phone with the company right after breakfast to get that taken care of, the sooner the better."

"No kidding," said Frank before stuffing another bite of food into his mouth.

"So, what's the plan today?" asked Jack.

Joe shrugged. "We figured we'd check out the abandoned farmhouses."

Jack raised an eyebrow. "By yourselves?"

Frank and Joe glanced at each other before grinning sheepishily at Jack. "Um, how about Chet and the girls come with us?" suggested Frank.

Jack smiled. "That's better. Alright, that will work." He raised a finger. "But, I want one or both of you to text me or call your aunt when you've gotten to the farmhouses and as soon as you're leaving. If it takes you more than an hour to look around a place, text me or call her when an hour has past. If more than two hours has past without any contact from you, we're sending in the police. Understand?"

The boys nodded. "Yes sir."

"Good, I want to avoid another incident like the other night."

"I do too," said Frank grimly. He still considered it his fault for putting Biff and Joe in danger like that. But what was past was past, he just had to learn from his mistakes and prevent it from ever happening again.

"Then we are in agreement. Now, hurry up with your breakfast. I want to see this new phone as much as you two." Joe grinned and began speeding up. Frank did as well, but Joe was finished first and had to wait a couple more minutes before Frank finished as well. They quickly rinsed off their dishes and put them in the dishwasher before rushing back into the living room with the new package. But both boys came to a grinding halt when they saw another package sitting on the coffee table.

"Uh, what's that?" asked Joe, pointing at it.

"Phone first, then you can open that one," said Jack firmly. The boys glanced at each other, both burning with curiosity, but did as Jack said and Frank opened his box. Joe whistled as Frank pulled out the brand new phone with all the needed protective gear and the power cord. Frank had two options for his phone case, a Batman case or a Sherlock Holmes.

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