ch.9 Echo?

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Funneh's POV

"Draco... It's a full moon, we have to go there..." I said to Draco annoyed, he had been procrastinating getting out of bed for an hour now and it was 8:30pm we. Had. To. Leave!

"Fine!" He yelled when I pulled the blanket off of him...

"Good. Now get ready, I don't know when we have to be there..." I replied again glancing at the blood stains on draco's sheets, my blood stains...

I looked at the moon through the blinds of the small window in the small room, why is everything so SMALL!?

I felt an overwhelming pain when I looked at the moon, I quickly looked away... Just that much pain when looking at a full moon? This is gonna be a long night...

"Alright, let's go!" Draco said...

"Y-yeah!" I said, rubbing my eyes... It still stung a little...

"You good?" He asked me....

"Yeah!" I replied... I was worried about how painful this night was gonna be...

We walked to the front door and just as I was about to open it...

"Where do you think your going?" The voice of Gold...

"Just a little exploring" Draco replied quickly...

"Nuh-uh, no you aren't! Not after what happened to you guys! Not happening!" Rainbow said as she came walking next to Gold...

"Please Gold..." I said softly, if we couldn't leave then what would happen?

"No. Both of you back to your room now. I'll bring some food in." Gold said dragging us back to our room...

"What are we gonna do now?" Draco asked when Gold left, locking the door from the outside...

"Window..." I said quietly so no one would hear me... Draco nodded and walked over to the window lifting up the blinds.

"Don't look at the moon until we're in the woods..." I said softly climbing through the open window...

"Why?" Draco asked as we started silently walking to the two the woods...

"When I looked at the moon it hurt my eyes, I don't want us to get caught." I replied as we both swiftly walked into the woods...

"Is that why you were rubbing your eyes?" Draco asked..

"Yeah..." I replied...

... (You'll see)

We finally made it to the clearing where we had gotten bitten and met Ekon. I smelled two other people here, I'm guessing your sense of smell is upgraded as a werewolf? I don't know I've never been one before! Sorry, I'm just a little annoyed...

"You must be the new wolves?" A girl asked stepping out from the shadows... It was a girl I recognized... It was Soal...

"Y-yeah..." Draco stuttered a bit, I can't blame him I would've stuttered too... She was in werewolf form. Her hair was now black fading into a dark purple and her wolf ears had purple tips. I don't know how I could tell it was Soal, maybe it was her eyes? Her eyes were still that emotionless black...

"Soal?" I asked even though I was almost certain that was Soal I wanted confirmation...

"Yes I'm Soal, your Funneh? From homeroom?" Soal said and asked, I nodded...

"We are here to train you..." Another voice said as a another girl walked out from the shadows... Silver, it was Silver... The jet black hair faded into a dark grey... Her silver eyes were the only thing that endured me it was her...

My senses picked up a new smell? Not something I had smelled before... It was definitely a girl werewolf, that's for sure...

I heard a bunch of rustling... And I swear I could see annoyance in both Soal's and Silver's eyes...

"Echo, I'm not dealing with anymore of this crap, one we know it's you, two were both annoyed." Silver said the annoyance clear in her tone of voice. Echo? Who is Echo?

Hope you enjoyed!! I know this is a bit of a cliffhanger and I planned on writing more but I'm about to pass out! So deal with the cliffhanger for now, the next chapter will be out in 1-3 days.

Silver, Out!

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