ch.4 A Shattered Family

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Draco's POV

I'll admit the Glass shattering startled me a lot... And the fact that we were almost home worried me, our house is about 10 miles away from any civilization... So, it most likely came from our house... The good thing is the Glass shattering woke up Funneh...

I'm honestly extremely worried about Funneh... She almost passed out and almost her entire shirt is caked with blood... If I loose her...

", not a..again..." Funneh whimpered... I knew what she was talking about, our parents fight a lot... The glass shattering was probably our father throwing a beer bottle....

"It's YOUR fault They could DIE!!" I heard mine and Krew's mother scream... Silence... Dead silence...

"......No..... Mallory..... Get Up!! Y...your joking with me... Right!? Please get up!!" We were right at the door, listening to what sounded like our mother dying... I felt tears start spilling from my eyes... I could loose Funneh and my Mom!?

I opened the door... I was having to put more and more of Funneh's weight on me... I didn't mind nor did I find it annoying, the bite on her side was 1 much deeper than my mine, and 2 in a more dangerous place... She could die...

"Oh my God!!! Draco!!" Mine and Funneh's dad yelled, Our father never cared about Funneh... That's what caused most of the fights... Our dad would hit Funneh and our mom would get mad.... That's why Funneh always blamed herself for the fights...

"Here let me help you! And stop caring about that useless brat!" Our father yelled, that ticked me off...

"1, she's your Fucking daughter! 2, she could die! So just leave us alone!! You either help both of us or neither of us!!" I screamed at my father... My father actually looked hurt at that... I saw Lunar and Gold at the doorway to the one hallway we had in this house...

My father went back to crying about our mother... I quickly limped to the bathroom... Funneh passed out... Her wound was getting much, much worse...

Gold and Lunar quickly came in after us...

"Funneh, Draco.... What happened?" Gold asked softly as tears streamed down her face, Lunar was crying too...

"..." I was silent... I couldn't tell them the truth, but I can't think of a good enough lie...

"Draco tell us!!" Lunar yelled as more and more tears fell down her face...

"We got attacked by wolves..." I said... They would never believe that, wolves travel in packs if we were attacked my wolves we would have died... But that was the truth, well, er not the full truth, we were only attacked my one wolf...

"Wolves travel in packs you guys would've died!" Gold yelled at me... (I'm surprised Rainbow hasn't woken up through all of this)

"It was only one wolf.... Funneh was able to kill it with a pocket knife but got bit in the side of her stomach..." I replied, I was frantically searching for bandages... I couldn't let Funneh die...

"I don't even care if your lying, I don't want Funneh to die!" Lunar said, she started rummaging through other cabinets looking for bandages as well...

" you guys want me to wake Rainbow?" Gold asked more tears... From me, Lunar, and Gold...

.......silence......that was all it was..... Silence.... (Damn, I should've named this chapter Silence...)

"Yes..." Lunar spoke, ending the silence, that everyone wanted to end... Gold ran out of the bathroom and too hers, rainbows, and Lunar's bedroom.

"I found the bandages!!" Lunar yelled, I gasped in relief... I had found the hydrogen Peroxide and it was sat on the counter top...

We had laid Funneh on the floor against the bathtub... Her blood was beginning to form a puddle beneath her... Even her hair had some blood in it.... I started crying more, just looking at her condition, at the condition of my twin sister...

I grabbed a rag and poured a bunch of Hydrogen Peroxide on the cloth... Lunar took Funneh's jacket and shirt off... I placed the now soaked rag on Funneh's wounds... Lunar grabbed another rag and did the same with the surrounding blood...


Lunar went to mine and Funneh's room and came back with an oversized blue hoodie. She slid the hoodie onto Funneh over the fresh bandages. Gold and Rainbow were cleaning up the blood on the floor...I just cuddled myself into Funneh... All of her wounds were bandaged and rainbow decided to bandage my leg...

Funneh would be in so much pain when she wakes up...

If she wakes up~

A voice snaked its way through my mind... That's the voice of my anxiety...

You may say that's not anxiety! Anxiety is overthinking and stuff like that... But anxiety is where you overthink so much every possible bad outcome snakes its way through your mind, corrupting your thoughts with horrors of what could and might happen... Anxiety is considering everything that could happen for hours and hours not allowing you to rest or sleep, the thoughts are an eternal war inside your head. Anxiety is when the darkest thoughts, horrors, and nightmares come to life and act as a way to take you a way from life itself, it acts as a way to get leverage off of every standing weakness in your mind and body.... (Sorry about that being so deep, I had a crappy day and needed a place to vent)

I picked Funneh up, I picked her up bridal style because that's the easiest way to carry people sometimes. I limped a little but the bite on my leg was getting a lot better... Lunar was helping me walk too... When we made it to mine and Funneh's room I thanked Lunar...

I laid Funneh down on her bed, I then snuggled into her... I would always choose Funneh's life over mine... Funneh is one of the reasons I don't have straight depression... All of our family is shattered, it isn't even a family anymore... All I have is my siblings, all we have is each other...

I fluttered to sleep holding Funneh in my arms... Our family may be shattered but my siblings are my life...

Hope you enjoyed!! Sorry this chapter was so deep😂 like, this was my face when I re-read the anxiety part, °-°

SilverWolf, Out~!

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