Chapter 1- The Other Weasley Girl(A Draco Malfoy Love Story)

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DISCLAIMER: Yall seriously, I wrote this when I was 15, its a dumpster fire, plz stop reading it lol

I do not own Harry Potter. All rights reserved for J.K. Rowling. 

Chapter 1

Everyone knows about Ginny Weasley and Harry Potter, I mean it's a great story. But nobody knows my story. I'm Addy. Adeleine Weasley.

My nearly identical twin, Ginny, is rather famous. She got herself dragged down to the Chamber of Secrets by Lord Voldykins. She was one of the only girls on the winning Gryffindor quidditch team. She got chosen to be in Professor Slughorn's elite special people club. And best of all, she's dating the chosen one. Harry Potter. I know I probably sound bitter, but there's a whole long story leading up to where we are now.

My sister is pretty. She has long straight light strawberry hair, whereas mine, is a whole long mess of curly deep red. I have milky white skin and green eyes and Ginny has fair pink skin and blue eyes. Everyone favors Ginny. She got her Hogwarts letter before me. But I still love her even though sometimes I get jealous. But there was one year I wanted to kill her, but then again because of her I found my true love....

"Ginny! Ginny, where are you?" cried my Mum.

"Mum, I'm right here," Ginny called, hanging out of the train window. " I'm so proud of you! You're getting so grown up! Both of my girls at Hogwarts! Try to stay out of trouble this year girls!"

"Yes Mum!" Ginny and I called.

"Oh, Addy!!! Be good! I love you!" Mum called.

"Bye Mum love you!" We called together.

Gin and I made our way down the hall of the train and as the train made a turn, I slipped and tumbled through an open door right into someones lap.

"I always knew you wanted me Ginny." A boys voiced laughed.

"I'm not Ginny. I'm Addy!" I growled, pushing myself up, and hoping my cheeks weren't flaming as badly as I thought they were. I froze. I had fallen in Draco Malfoy's lap.

"Really now? Another Weasley?." He said softly. I actually think I just imagined it. Scrambling back I took a good look at the man who had bullied and used his name to get where he was. I was greeted by silver eyes and a shock of white blonde hair. Tall and thin, Draco stood before me, looking me up and down. I crossed my arms, preparing for the verbal onslaught to come. Draconian eyes raked up and down me, examining, studying, sizing me up. I shifted uncomfortable.

Draco Malfoy is pretty good looking... For a Deatheater. Shoving past him, I shut his cabin door.

I managed to get down the hall and into our cabin of the train. There, sitting next to my brother sat a boy with circular glasses over dancing green eyes and shaggy black hair covering a lightning shaped scar. Harry Potter.

His smile was wide and bright and he greeted me warmly. "Hey Addy." He said, grinning. "Hi Harry." I smiled shyly.

"How was the summer?" he laughed, ruffling up my hair.

"Fairly uneventful. Degnoming the garden. Helping mum. You know, the usual. What about you?" I said, settling back into the seat.

He shrugged nonchalantly, "Same old same old. Dursley's." I felt a pang of pity for him. I knew his relationship with his aunt, uncle, and cousin was less than stellar.

Hermione and I struck up a conversation about our summers and caught up on the latest gossip.

The train ride was long and I had had way too much pumpkin juice so I wandered off to the loo. On the way there Malfoy was in the hall and I felt his eyes rake up and down my body. I shivered as he walked by. I didn't know how to feel about him watching me. Darting past, I slipped into the lavatory.

"Addy! Hurry up and change we're almost at Hogwarts." Hermione called, knocking insistently in the door.

"Ok!" I called back, quickly shrugging into my robes.


At last I was back.

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