Muke fluff: sick day

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Third persons pov:

Luke cuddles up into Michael as the sleep peacefully together in Michael's bedroom. luke stares at the white ceiling.

'Why does Michael love you?.' 'Pathetic bitch Michael hates you.' ' ew.'

His thoughts taking over his mind since 1:00 am when he came into Michael's bedroom, hoping it would disappear. It did honestly, untill it became 6:00 am.

His eyes dart to the clock, 8:09 am. he sighs sitting up on Michael's bed. Michael's arm hanging loosely around Lukes waist.

"I've been awake since 1 in the morning, fucking nightmares." luke banters to himself. anger, tiredness & sadness all in one. depressing thoughts running through his head, anger flowing in his veins, tiredness in his body.

Michael stirs as luke sits completely on the bed. he remembers they have son writing at 9. he looks at the red headed boy, a smile playing on the younger boys lips.

"My sleeping angel.." luke mutters twisting a piece of Michael's hair staring in 'see' at his boyfriend. Michael stirs once more before his bright vibrant green eyes open (correct me if I'm wrong).

"Sorry I didn't mean to wake you." luke says apologetic he woke up the red head boy. Michael smiles at Luke. Butterflies make their way into Lukes stomach as Michael pecks his cheek.

"It's fine, we have songwriting anyways." Michael says. then they hes they sound of someone throwing up and coughing.

"The bloody hell.." Michael says under his breath as he hears the sound. making him gag slightly and cringe at the harsh dry cough soon after.

Michael flinches as the cold breeze hits his skin as he takes the covers off his pale body. he sees Luke watching him.

"Have you gone to sleep babe?.. you look exhausted." Michael ask the blonde haired boy looking at him lovingly.

"No.. not really." Luke says bags under the pretty boys face. Michael sighs concern showing in his features. he pulls up his sweatpants as the sag down slightly. flinching hearing the dry cough again, hearing the gagging following it. Luke gets out of the bed following Michael to check on them.

They see calum rubbing Ashton's back as Ashton throws up. Michael and Luke comfort him too.

"What happened?." Luke asked Calum who simply shrugged.

"All I remember is he was drinking coffee and he gagged slightly, he Covered his mouth and this happened." calum explained sighing as Ashton once again starts vomiting.

"Looks like there's no song writing today," Michael says. Luke nods.

"I called to cancel earlier, poor ash." Calum says patting his boyfriends back as Ashton coughs wiping his mouth tears falling down the curly haired boys face. Luke coughs a little.

Ashton's pats Luke's back. his face flushed and sweaty.

"Sorry if I got you sick." ashton says his throat burning making his voice croaked. ashton cringed after he spoke his throat on fire.

(I'm sick literally and my throat hurts from throwing up -_-)

"It's fine ash, why don't you try and rest." luke suggest ashton nods standing up a little before almost collapsing.

"I'll stay in here for a bit." ashton states no wanting to fall. he sits next to the toilet his face flushed.

Pale face, cold/hot sweats, tears, dry throat, tired.. poor ashton.

Calum lays next to ashton, Ashton lays his head on calums shoulder breathing out a puff of air. he shuts his eyelids drifting off to a slumber.

Luke and Michael go downstairs grabbing some water and medicine to help Ashton. before they even hit the first step luke feels his stomach cringing in pain. he runs to the bathroom and throw up.

"I'm gonna give Ashton his medicine I'll bring you some too." Michael says softly. luke nods.

Luke slightly trails behind michael making way towards his bedroom. he collapse on his bed a grunt leaving the boys lips.

Luke focused on the ceiling, and starts thinking.

'Why does michael like me?'
'Does he like me?'
'I'm weird'

"Luke.." michael says seeing a slightly scary sight. Luke tugs his blonde hair tight, tears falling rapidly down his slightly pale skin. Michael immediately knew he was going to have a panic attack.

"Luke.. shh." Michael says rocking the blonde back and forth. Lukes eyes finally make way to Michaels face.

He takes In Michaels appearance. Tears slowly falling down his face, his green bright eyes now dull and filled of worry.

"Mikey." Luke says his voice no even audible. Michael watches Luke's eyes trail across Michaels face, a blush showing on his cheeks.

"Yes lukey." he says running his hands through Lukes hair. Lukes eyes sparkle brightly, maybe even brighter than his original colour.

"Why do you like me?." Luke ask quietly, afraid of his voice. Michael took a double take.

"What's not to like Luke?. Your smile, your laugh, height, jokes, body, teeth, eyes.." Michael trails off.

Luke smiles his lips even at his panic state, kisses michael.

Michael kisses him back with as my love and passion as he possibly ever could.

"I love you." Luke says. Michael smiles and kisses his boyfriend again.

"I love you too."

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