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This chapter have some bad language readers...

Heinkel P.O.V

Alright can do this, it's your first battle "HEINKEL!" Wow, Hanz is mad..."You need to appear like a destroyed tank, put your turret down, shut your engine off and don't move you copy?" I nodded my turret and finds a bunch of destroyed tanks, i winced on the inside and gets into position

10 minutes later

I heard some footsteps and i assumed it's the Russians since all of us are hiding, speaking of hiding...where is Hanz? I'm kinda scared now without him- pull yourself Heinkel! You're a bloody tank!
Wait they're speaking, better listen...
"Дмитрий, ищи этот отель.  там может быть капуста" (Dimitri, search for that building. There might be a kraut hiding there) Ah damnit, it's in Russian... The soldier nodded and goes into the building "Eat this you dirty Russian" Oh right, i forgot to turn off the radio...fucking awesome...

"КАКОГО ЧЕРТА?!  НЕМЦЫ!  КАЖДЫЙ ГОТОВИТСЯ К АМБУШЕ!" (WHAT THE HELL?! GERMANS! EVERYONE PREPARE FOR AMBUSH!) "Well that's our call! Everyone shoot! Panzer IV AI1! Aim for the tank!" Hanz called out. I immediately turns on my engine startling the Russian and drive over them like their nothing.

Ooh? A T-34? This is gonna be fun
Ha! That's all you got? Eat this AP you bloody Russian!
Oh...wrong shell? I guess? I loaded my High Explosive shell, and just like before, the T-34 shell bounced off from my thick armor. Once i loaded my HE shell, i shoot it again, it ricochet again but this time, it damaged the T-34 barrel

"Дерьмо покинуть танк!" (Shit! Abandon the tank!) The russian yelled. I feel proud of myself until i feel someone climbing my back, i immediately reverse, stop then accelerate until the person on my back falls off. I look behind me and sees a Russians with a anti tank grenade. Oh no you won't, i aimed my turret at him but instead of firing my main gun, i fired my Machine gun at him and you guessed it...he's shredded...and dead...

"ОТСТУПАТЬ!  Черт возьми!  Они слишком сильны" (FALL BACK! FUCKING FALL BACK! THEY'RE TOO STRONG!) The Russians immediately runs away out of the city. The german soldier cheered...time to search for Hanz...

2 hours later

Bloody fucking hell...HANZ! ARGH..If only I could has been 2 hours...others have build a camp right at the exit where the Russian's come from while I'm still wandering in the city searching for him. This has got to be where Hanz is, i look at the alley. Luckily my huge body fits in and what i saw...will probably scarred me...Hanz...sitting on the wall, blood everywhere...I tried to lower my gun to reach him and you know what?
It worked, once Hanz is on the edge of my turret, i pointed it upward so he would slide closer to me. Then...i immediately accelerate to the camp.

Hanz P.O.V

Guess this is it huh? I'm sitting on the alleyway...alone...and with a dead Russian beside me...How did i come into this? Oh don't be stupid Hanz, you signed up to this, you should've waited for the draft i sighed and closed my eyes


Ah Shit! Where did that light comes from?! Is this the afterlife?! I tried to look around and i sees a..turret?! Wait... I looked to my left and sees...him...
"Heinkel?" I managed to speak before falling unconscious

Phew, done...The next chapter will be how Heinkel handle the loneliness without Hanz. Welp...see ya!

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