"Everyone! Retreat!" The sergeant yelled
"B-but Hanz.."
"RETREAT GOD DAMMIT! YOU WANT TO BE DESTROYED OR WHAT?!" The sergeant yelled as i tried to not breakdown
"Y-yes sir!" I revved my engine and speeded up out from the battlefieldBANG
"Achk! I'm hit!" I yelled as a Sherman shot my engine, disabling me.
"For god sake! Sorry! We gotta leave you behind!"
"Wait, WAS?!"
"We can't risk it! We need to go!" The sergeant yelled as he and the others retreat, leaving me alone at the battlefields
I groaned internally and rotated my turret 175°
"Eat this you bloody Sherman!" I yelled, shooting a APHE shell, it landed on the MG port and immediately, The Sherman went silent
"Well that sure do the trick" I sighed as i sees more M4A2 and even a Jumbo going towards my direction"Come on..there must be a white flag in my system somewhere" I groaned
'Found it!..oh..' I thought as a M4A2 rolled by my side, ready to finish me off2009
America is now more advanced than ever, thanks to Heinkel surrendering they now have access to Heinkel AI blueprint (stored near the engine) and started to build their own AI tanks
The Sherman...M18's.. And now the M1 Abrams and M60 Patton
They both are best friends and goes to battle in Iraq, Libya and Afghanistan..
Sadly since M60 were outdated by that time, he started to get more damage than the M1 AbramsOne battle in Iraq, the M60 Patton is finally destroyed, leaving the M1 Abrams devastated.
For Heinkel, he's now reserved in Museum and occasionally goes into Tank Museum in Dorset alongside with Tiger 131, he and the Tiger 131 usually went to the tracks to relieve the old days but of course..Heinkel is not loaded with any shells at all
End of what if scenario (2)
Don't know where this will fit

Life of a Panzer
Historical Fictionthe world where a tank have it's own minds It's World War 2, and Germany have a new plan, what if...they build an AI? the generals find this idea very unlikely but Hitler insist on building a Tank with a AI on it. soon enough Krupp and Porsche worke...