Chapter Eleven
The stench was overwhelming. Plunged into total darkness, Will was surrounded by nothing but pitch black. He couldn't see a thing. His wrist ached from all the fighting and restraining at trying to get out but now he lay limply on the floor. He curled up into a tight ball, clamping his eyes shut to try and block everything out. He wasn't afraid. He didn't cry. He stayed strong. But he didn't know what he was going to do or how he was going to get out. He just hoped his friends would somehow work it out.
Sitting up, Will felt around with his hands around the cell. He knew he was in a cell. After a couple of steps either his head or his fingertips would hit the iron bars. He often tried to search for a hole or a weakened bar but he was yet to find one. Ever since getting thrown in about a week ago, he hadn't eaten a thing nor seen the light of day.
Will was strong. He had been trained to do this kind of thing. This was what it was like being part of a gang - especially a professional one like Mack's. Huge risks, huge consequences. They were harsh. They were merciless. Will wasn't worried about what the people who had kidnapped him were going to do - whoever on earth they were - but more worried about the fact that they could so easily forget about him and leave him for a slow, painful death, falling into his own pit of madness. Will knew that he was going to die - and it wasn't going to be of old age. He was going to find himself stuck in a hole so deep he wouldn't be able to get himself out. Will didn't realize it would be so soon or so sudden.
Finding the edge of the cell, Will shook it as hard as he could, his muscles clenching and tenses so badly that they ached. Will heard the rattle of the lock on the door of the cell a couple of metres away. Everything was silent around him. There was nothing in the cell apart from a plastic toilet and a bench to lie on. Will didn't know whether it was night-time or in the middle of the day. His body clock was messed up. Everything about him was messed up and he knew that if he didn't get help soon, he was going to slowly disintegrate.
Slumping himself back down onto the floor, Will prayed that they would find him. Somehow.
* * * * * * *
Just a couple of weeks after Mum's heart attack, she got discharged from the hospital and I was allowed to take her home. Well, my home. I didn't think that she was would be in any kind of state to go back to her apartment after what happened in there. And I definitely wasn't in any kind of state to leave her there on her own when Mack was still after me. By now, everyone had agreed - apart from Mum, she still had no idea what on earth was going on - that Mack had kidnapped Will. But we still didn't know where he was or how Mack had gotten away with it without leaving a single trace. Even his car had gone missing.
Entering the house with Mum by my side felt strange. Locking up the front door, (making Mum stare suspiciously in my direction - the same way I had when I first saw Will do it) I greeted Sam and Luke who lay lounging on the sofa and took Mum's belongings up to my bedroom. I had a double bed and I knew Mum wouldn't mind if we shared. The bed was huge!
I was wondering where Seb was - he hadn't been in the main living room when we'd come through the front door - but at the same time I wasn't sure whether I cared. We hadn't spoken to one another. At all. Not even a polite passing greeting in the corridor or even a 'hey, can you pass the ketchup?' across the table. Nope. Not a single word. I was missing his kisses.
"You still draw?" Mum suddenly asking, knocking me out of my thoughts. I whipped round for looking at my complexion in the mirror - my mascara had decided to clump itself together around my eyes - and saw Mum over at my desk and looking at the latest comic drawings I had done. I had been doing a lot while Mum was in hospital. Sometimes I did them 'till the early hours of the morning; just drawing. Me and Sam's comic had come to a bit of a halt after the disappearance of Will.

Gangs and Roses
AçãoPaige Hill is a badass. Well, she likes to think she is. After burning her flat down after a drunken party, Paige has to go and live with four grown (and incredibly hot) men. They're hiding something, but what? Guns, explosions, car chases and lo...