Chapter Twenty-Five
I didn't know what to say. I didn't know what to do. Will was knocking on the other side of the door but I couldn't bring myself to answer it. My eyes kept on flickering to the pregnancy test I held in my hands, every-time wishing that what it said wasn't true, that it was a mistake, that my eyes were going funny and in fact it had a negative sign. Staring down at my stomach, tears rushing to the front of my eyes, I realized one thing: I was pregnant.
"Paige?" Will asked softly. "Please come out."
Dropping the pregnancy test into the bin, I slowly unlocked the bathroom door and eased it open. Will and I stared at one another. I gave him a silent nod. I was pregnant. I was pregnant. I could scream it right from the rooftops. I WAS PREGNANT! A baby was being made inside me. I was pregnant. I was PREGNANT!
With all the screaming going on inside my head, all that showed was a single tear that trickled down my cheek. "I'm sorry," I whispered.
"No, don't say you're sorry," Will said, embracing me in a hug that I really needed. I was breaking down inside. Will and I must've done it at Luke's party...we must've done. The symptoms for a pregnancy couldn't be that quick since Las Vegas? It was only...yesterday! It made me think of everything that had happened since Luke's party. My brain was in the midst of a million thoughts. That was why I craved certain things during the day...I thought I had just been really, really hungry but no. I was having cravings. I had been pregnant when I'd met Carol, at Luke's basketball game, when we got robbed, when I met Joe, Erin and Charlotte, when we had to pack up and go our separate ways - all that time I had been pregnant. And the puking in the hotel in Las Vegas wasn't because I'd drunken too much, but because I was pregnant...
"This can't be," I whispered. "I can't be pregnant! I just can't be! This happens to people who are in their teens - thinking they're invincible. It doesn't happen to people like us-"
"It's okay," Will reassured. He walked me over to the bed and I sat down. He rested his arms on my knees, kneeling down in front of me so we were eye-height. He tucked a strand of my black hair behind my ear. "Everything's going to be fine. Everything's going to be okay. Soon, we're going to be able to go home - and we'll have this baby together and live happily ever after."
I couldn't help but crack a tiny smile. Will was seriously amazing. If it weren't for his calmness, his sensible nature, I would be screaming at the top of my lungs, crying like crazy and throwing everything around me. He had the ability to change how I felt. He could do that to me. And right now, I felt surprisingly calm for how I should be reacting.
"But Will," I whispered, my voice shaking. "We're going to have a baby. And how are we going to get home?" And what was even home? "Home" was a million miles away. And the police were still chasing us. Well, that was as far as we knew. He hadn't turned a telly on since San Francisco. For all we knew, they had stopped searching.
"We'll get home somehow." I knew that even Will didn't know how we were going to get home, how we were going to get out of this situation. I suddenly felt a wave of homesickness overcome me. I wanted to be back in the big house, not having to worry about any of this, with the rest of the gang, even with Joe, Erin and Charlotte; getting to them and becoming their friends.
Will suddenly stood up, making me feel cold without him. He went to the other side of the bed and unpacked the two burgers from the cupboard boxes. He hovered one in front of my face, grinning goofily.
"You know you want one," he said.
I did want one. I really did want one. I had been craving for one all day. I stared down at my stomach, trying to suck in my breath so it would be thinner. It didn't look like I was pregnant, not at all. It basically just showed that I'd had a bit to eat for dinner a couple of hours ago.

Gangs and Roses
AcciónPaige Hill is a badass. Well, she likes to think she is. After burning her flat down after a drunken party, Paige has to go and live with four grown (and incredibly hot) men. They're hiding something, but what? Guns, explosions, car chases and lo...