Chapter Three
I checked myself in the full-length mirror and I studied myself from head-to-toe. I had gone simple for my first day of work and had thrown on a white vest-top and a red, checkered shirt over the top. I wore a pair of my oldest jeans and a brown belt. Will said I would have to be travelling on the bus and even on the tube for some of the way so I made sure to put on my comfiest, brown boots and small handbag to hold my essentials. My blonde hair was tied back in a messy, high-ponytail and worn minimal make-up.
Did I look like I was someone ready to have my first day at my new job?
Hell no. Even though I looked cool and collected on the outside, I was practically shaking with nerves on the inside. After the conversation with Will, Seb had been sour the entire evening. After dinner he stormed upstairs and I didn't see him for the rest of the night. That didn't exactly boost my confidence about today but Will seemed to think it was okay. So it must be, right?
Calming myself, I smiled in the mirror, showing my straight teeth before I turned on my heel and walked out of my bedroom door.
Will and Luke were already up and, surprisingly, Sam was already playing video games in front of the telly. I went to the fridge and poured myself a reassuring glass of ice-cold milk. I closed my eyes, wondering whether it was normal to be this nervous before my first day at work. I hadn't been like this on my first day at the coffee-house - that was because, I guess I already knew what I was being asked to do; serve coffee. Simple. But with this postal and delivery thing Will had told me...I wasn't so sure. I was beginning to get a little suspicious.
"Do I look like someone who's about to deliver packages?" I asked, giving Luke and Will a twirl in the middle of the kitchen.
While Luke was having a sneak at my butt, Will said, "Perfect." I smiled, a little more confidently this time as I put my empty glass into the sink. I buried my face in the cereal cupboard, wondering which one I was going to have today.
"No time for breakfast," Will said, knocking me out of my thoughts as he began pulling me away from the cupboard.
"What...?" I began to say but he cut me off.
"You can grab a cereal bar for the journey there."
Managing to stand-up before Will could knock me over from his super grip, I grabbed at the nearest cereal bar and, rather reluctantly, began walking to the door. "Why do we have to go so early?" I asked with a frown. "I would've set my alarm clock to six if I had known."
Will smirked, digging his hand into his trouser pocket for his keys. "It would've given you more time to back-out of it."
"And what makes you think I would've backed out of it?" I retorted.
"Lock the door behind us!" Will shouted behind his shoulder. He turned and smiled at me, making my legs weaken a little at the knees, "Because you look as nervous as hell."
The smiled wiped from my face. "How can you tell?"
We both stepped out into the morning, misty sunshine.
"You've got a pained expression on your face."
I scoffed, brushing Will's comment away. Beside the house, there was a garage that I hadn't noticed on my first day of arriving and I watched as Will punched in the security code. Making a whirring noise, the grey garage door slowly rose, revealing a very expensive looking car. It was black and had a curving, thin bonnet and completely roof-less. For a long moment, I gawked, my head tilting to the side as I noticed a line of numerous of other extremely valuable cars behind it.

Gangs and Roses
ActionPaige Hill is a badass. Well, she likes to think she is. After burning her flat down after a drunken party, Paige has to go and live with four grown (and incredibly hot) men. They're hiding something, but what? Guns, explosions, car chases and lo...