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(Y/n)'s POV

(Y) : "Come on now Milicas! Show more effort into it!"

I charged at him with the Night Sky Sword in hand as he backed away in fear. But with a proud smile he raised his sword to parry mine making a smirk grow on my lips. We clashed our swords in lightning speeds, his speed was astonishing, but his defenses are widely open.

(Y) : "Sorry about this kid, no hard feelings?"

Milicas : "W-what?"

Disappearing from his line of view, I charged up a sword skill and multipled myself, surrounding him in a circle.

(Y) : "Stargaze Burst!"

I rushed towards him and slashed his torso multiple times before he fell to the ground gasping for air.

Milicas : "Defeated again..."

A small smile appeared on my face and I gave him a pat on the head, making him turn his gaze towards me.

(Y) : "Don't worry Mili, you're improving. Just give it some time, then maybe you can finally apply to become a Synthesis like me."

Milicas : "You really think so?!"

(Y) : "Sure of it. Besides, Alice is really hoping that you will be the one to marry our daughter, so I need to make sure you're up for that challenge."

A huge blush tainted his cheeks making a chuckle escape my vocal chords.

??? : "Papa!"

Two missiles launched themselves towards me and made me fall to the floor. The most adorable girls had hugged me, my two daughters Yui and Preimiere. Yes I said daughter, and yes my family are not aware of this.

??? : "Yui, Preimiere, please do not pounce on your father like that. You could have break his spine."

A stern yet gentle voice was heard. She had long blonde hair and wore an armor of gold, Alice Synthesis Thirty, my beloved wife, or unofficially that is. She picks up Priemiere and I hoisted Yui into my arms.

??? : "Good day Lord (Y), Lady Alice

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??? : "Good day Lord (Y), Lady Alice.

A woman with gray hair walked towards, picking Milicas up into her arms along the way. Grayfia Lucifuge, Sirzechs's Queen and wife, known as the Strongest Queen of the Underworld.

We bowed and she sets Milicas on the ground as he was immediately surrounded by our two girls

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We bowed and she sets Milicas on the ground as he was immediately surrounded by our two girls.

Alice : "Hello Lady Grayfia, and please, address us by our names."

Grayfia : "If you insist. Lucifer-sama has requested your presence in his office, but I do not know of the occasion."

(Y) : "Understood. Could you please take care of Yui and Priemiere for us?"

Grayfia : "Of course (Y)."

We nod our heads and head towards Sirzechs's office. Knocking on the door and entering, a man with bright red hair was sitting on his chair while arranging a pile of paperwork. He notices our presence and smiles.

Sirzechs : "Good to see you two again. Please, make yourself comfortable."

We sat down on the sofa in fronrt of him and he hands us a piece of paper.

(Y) : "Pardon me milord, but what is this?"

Sirzechs : "A form, the Council has ordered the two of you to head to Kuoh Academy and investigate the sudden outburst of energy there."

Alice : "An outburst of energy? Excuse me but why send us?"

Sirzechs : "Because you two are the youngest members of the Integrity Knights. It will be easier for you two to gather data."

Alice : "But how about our kids?"

Sirzechs : "Yui and Priemiere will stay with the two of you. I will be sending Milicas with you considering he is your student (Y)."

Alice : "B-but-"

(Y) : "Alice, this is an order from the Council. We have no right to protest. Please understand that this is for the best."

She sighed in defeat and stood up, leaving the room.

Sirzechs : "I am sorry about this (Y). I tried to reason with them but they strongly recommended the two of you to do this."

(Y) : "It's fine Sirzechs. But if anything happens to my family, your head is the first thing I'm targeting."

He seemed visibly shaken and I left him to his thoughts. I found Alice leaning against the wall with a displeased look on her face. She notices me and dragged me into our room, where she locks the door.

Alice : "Why did you agree?"

(Y) : "Alice, why did you become a Knight in the first place?"

Alice : "Isn't that obvious? I wanted to protect anyone who can't protect themselves."

(Y) : "The same goes for me. Though I do not why the council decided this, but if it's for the sake of everyone, I will gladly lend my aid."

Alice : "Y-You're right..."

She pushed me down to our bed making a blush make its way to my cheeks. Our lips then connect and engaged in a heated kiss, exploring each others mouths. A string of saliva connected our lips and she lays down beside me.

Alice : "Grayfia told me that the kids are already in bed."

She turns around to look at me, which made me blush witnessing her beautiful features.

She turns around to look at me, which made me blush witnessing her beautiful features

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I brought her into a hug and snuggled on her shoulder as she played with my hair.

(Y) : "I love you Alice..."

Alice : "I love you too (Y)."


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