Kuoh Academy

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3rd POV

(Y/n) had just woke up from his sleep. He looks down on his chest to see Alice sleeping peacefully making a small smile crept onto his face while admiring her blonde locks. She slowly stirs up from her sleep, staring at her lover with drowsy eyes.

(Y) : "Good morning Alice."

Alice : *yawns* "Good morning love~"

(Y) : "Let's get ready shall we?"

Alice nods and went towards the bathroom to take a bath while (Y) was still laying on their bed, staring blankly at the ceiling.

(Y) : 'Kuoh Academy... Will I meet Sona there?'

After they got ready in their casual wear, mounting their belongings on Alice's and (Y)'s dragon, Amayori and Alduin.

After they got ready in their casual wear, mounting their belongings on Alice's and (Y)'s dragon, Amayori and Alduin

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Milicas wore a simple black suit with a sword strapped to this belt

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Milicas wore a simple black suit with a sword strapped to this belt.

(Y)  : "Everyone ready?"

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(Y) : "Everyone ready?"

All : "YUP!"

(Y) smiled and opens up a portal to the overworld. Once they stepped through, they were in front of a large modern mansion, making (Y) facepalm.

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