Issei's Twice Critical

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Before we start with this chap, I just wanted to know if Highschool DxD had a beach episode. Does it, or does it not?

That's all, here we go!


3rd POV

When (Y) reached home, Alice immediately scolded him for his actions of letting Issei die at his hands, but he reassured her that it was for a reason. The blonde girl as if he could smack her husband in the head right now, but she loves him too much to do it.

Alice : "You're an idiot you know that?"

The boy smiles innocently that made an arrow of cuteness struck her heart. Now Milicas and (Y) took their positions on the field of their home with swords drawn. Milicas charges towards his mentor who had not moved the entire time, completely motionless as he analyzed the red head.

Milicas : "HAAAHHH!!!!"

As the two boys sparred, the girls were seen sitting under the tree where Amayori and Alduin slept, playing with the two dragons. Amayori gladly accepted their presence while Alduin? He was rather disturbed by their attention. Alduin was quite the oblivious dragon, he only showed his true self towards (Y) and Alice, ignoring his feelings for the female dragon that he had knew since the day he hatched.

Back with the two boys, Milicas had charged up a sword skill and dashed towards (Y) but when the ravenette tried to swing his sword, Milicas disappears. The red head appears behind his mentor.

Milicas : "Howling Octave!"

The sword he wielded was enveloped in flames as he lets out a series of thrusts, a downward and upward cut, before finishing it off with another powerful upward cut. (Y) falls on the ground in pain, making the red head smiles in victory. The girls had cheered for Milicas but Alice simply held a smile.

(Y) : "Sike."

The ravenette smirks and somersaults back up. Milicas widens his eyes and readied his sword to counter whatever attack his mentor was about to unleash.

(Y) : "Savage Fulcrum!"

The Night Sky Sword was coated in freezing air and (Y) dashes towards Milicas with speeds surpassing that of the speed of sound. He strikes the boy freezing him in his position, before charging up another sword skill.

(Y) : "Horizontal Square."

(Y) peforms a slash in the pattern of a rombus that shatters the ice, causing Milicas to fall on the ground unconscious.

Alice : "Did you really have to go that far?"

She picks up the boy and sets him under the shady tree. (Y) sighs happily, Milicas had completed the objective for today's training, and that was to land a hit on him. He apologizes for his actions and sat next to her while the girls were playing tag in the field. The shady tree had blocked off most of the sun's ray, only few managed to slip through the holes in between the green leaves.

(Y) yawns and closes his eyes, letting blissful sleep take over his body.


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