PT.1 The Ad and Interview

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That moment when you realize 6 days later after publishing the first chapter of your fanfic you didn't do a disclaimer. So here it is.
I do not own Pokemon or any of its licensing. All rights go to the respective owner/s and license holder this is a fanfiction for fun and the amusement of other and no profits and all else are gained from its existence. Thank you.

Blair sighed as she ran her fingers through her hair. She sat at her computer an energy drink not far from the mouse pad. Her Lillipup snuggled deeper into her lap. The sound of her using the mouse too scroll through whatever she was glancing at filled the silence. Blair bit the tip of her thumbnail a bad habit she tend to when frustrated. She'd gotten a job at a company in Kanto however she needed a place to live. Sadly as she browsed through apartment ads her hope was falling. It's not that she couldn't afford them but she had hobbies and they themselves cost time and money. She couldn't pay rent utilities food and everything else and keep her hobbies.
Plus she was a computer tech so she had to keep up with technology. The company Silph co. that had hired her wanted her to update their web-based operations this included their online ads their website and their digital security. They also put her in charge of updating their network system the whole enchilada. Plus she'd get a thick paycheck and get to do it all from the comforts of home. The problem was no home to speak of. So here she sat browsing from her small place in Sinnoh.
Blair groaned letting her head hit the desk creating a loud thump. This startled Snooter her Lillipup causing him to jump from her lap with a whimper. She picked her head off the desk to look at the Pokemon who was using baby doll eyes on her. "I'm sorry Snooter I'm just frustrated if I can't find a place I can't get the job. Her Pokemon gave her hand an affectionate nuzzle as if the say "Buck up you'll find something." Blair smiled going back to her search as the dog Pokemon found a place to settle.

It was two hours later and the sun was raising a second time when luck seemed to strike. Blair decided to try a site that listed people looking for roommates. At first, every listing she looked at failed to meet her criteria and she was considering lower her standards however she clicked on the last listing. The listing read "Looking for Roommate for three bedrooms flat in Viridian City. Currently living with best friend and several Pokemon would like to take the weight off expenses." Blair read further seemed both were employed as trainers and had decent financial stability. They only asked that their roommate was respectful and financially dependent.
The flat its self was sizable and even provide amenities for up to 15 large Pokemon. She only had two small Pokemon and a medium-sized one. However, the winning factor was how much her share would be. It would only with utilities be 10,000 poke dollars only a fifth of her income a godsend. She immediately sent an email response. Blair the stretched like a Persian before throwing out her long since empty energy drink and falling to sleep.
She woke at around 12 that day to the pinging of her inbox. Excited she immediately bolted up and to her computer. Indeed there lay a reply in her inbox. She clicked on it. "Thank you for responding to our ad for a roommate. We've looked over your email and talked it out would you be able to do an interview?" The reply read. "An interview?" Blair muttered to herself "don't they mean like a meet and greet? An interview is more for a job." However, she sighed knowing she needed this and replied. "Yes I can but I'd need at least two days for travel as I'm sure you read I'm currently in Sinnoh." She sent back the reply. The response came only ten minutes later. "Then Friday noon should work fine." She stared at this reply slack-jawed. One it was only literal two days from now as if he'd took her reply to the letter. Two shouldn't that be a question mark, not a period. Three that had to be a mistype. So she replied back "I'm afraid I misunderstand did you mean that as a question or a statement?" The reply was sent so fast she almost couldn't believe it. It simply read "No, as an order. I've got a busy schedule." Blair wanted to reach through the computer and kill this arrogant jerk. However, she needed this so begrudgingly she sent her response. "Friday at noon works fine where should I meet you and your friend?" She was sent the address to a small cafe in Viridian City with that she began to pack her stuff for the trip and packed any last-minute things hopeful she'd get the place and be able to call a moving company by Friday night's end.

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