PT.2 Epilepsy and Coffee

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A/N Okay so picture on top her is the OC Blair. Please note this is my work I'd like it if you decide to use it spread it around that you do so under fair use. In other words, if.said, fuming like I do not own Pokemon or any of its licensing you don't own my picture so don't take credit for work you did not do and share it fairly. And no cropping my signature (yes that's my signature) out of the photo doesn't make it your work. It's okay to copy download and post it if the site allows just don't say you drew it. Thank you.

Blaire was honestly jet lagged and extremely anxious when she finally reached Viridian. She'd thankfully thought to book her hotel ahead of time. As she only had twenty minutes to find the cafe she was supposed to meet her prospective roommates. She looked down out Snooter who had his service vest on.
Her Lillipup Snooter was a special class of Pokemon that was trained as a medical services Pokemon in her case his training was for anxiety and epilepsy. Her Roserade Ritzy and her Bulbasaur Rooty were also trained for epilepsy and wore a vest and had first aid bags. The other two were kept in special pokeballs for service Pokemon. It allowed them to come out of their ball in their vest with their first aid bags. Snooter was trained in case she had a seizure to release them and work in tandem with them.
She gave her loyal Pokemon a pet to reassure herself as she stared at the daunting prospect of getting to her destination on time in the unfamiliar city. She adjusted the strap of her shoulder bag and set off. She followed the GPS directions on her poke-phone. Thankfully soon enough she was at the cafe.

Green sat next to his best friend and for lack of better word sometimes fuck buddy. He had a cup of coffee in hand while Red was eating a hamburger he'd ordered feeding Pikachu some fries. "I can't believe you insisted we had to show up fifteen minutes early. This is gonna cut into my lunchtime!" The gym leader growled at his friend's irritability. Red simply shot him a look that quote simply meant I don't wanna hear it.
Green took a sip of his coffee staring at the door. He glanced at the photo their prospective new roommate had sent of herself. A young woman about his age started into the camera with a half-smile. Her sapphire eyes seemed to hold amusement. Her hair was quite obviously dyed as it went from brunette to green then blue. He had to admit she was attractive.
A waitress at the cafe a slender blond thing came up to him. She smiled at him and Red as asked if they needed anything obviously flirting. Normally he would have seized the opportunity to hook up with her. Green however just at the moment wanted to finish his business and get back to the mountain of work he had at the gym. So he flashed her a smile and told her simply no.
Neither he or the barista heard the bell ding above the door or the soft thump of someone falling to the ground. However, the whole cafe heard the barks of a Lillipup that was wearing some sort of vest. Near the Pokemon was what could be guessed to be it's now an unconscious trainer. Upon seeing what was going on Red was out of his seat with Pikachu and Green was dialing emergency services. The barista her self was heading for the counter to call for her boss.

As his trainer went down from a standard drop seizure Snooter went into action. He drew the attention of the cafe's occupants so they'd hopefully call for help. After that, he bumped his nose against the balls on his trainer's front belt. Rooty a Bulbasaur and Ritzy a Roserade were out and started their jobs. Rooty lifted Blair's head which the Lillipup slipped under to cushion against further impact. Rooty was using his vines to check her pulse. Ritzy was using her flowery arms to jester for curious onlookers back.
Snooter saw Roserade let a trainer and his Pikachu through. The dark-haired trainer immediately started checking her vitals. While the Pikachu came up he and asked what had happened. Snooter to the best of his ability told the Pikachu that his trainer had epilepsy and that she had seizures like this often. Another human approached saying he'd called for a Nurse.

Green as soon as he'd finished on the phone rushed over to let Red know he'd called a Nurse Joy and they were on the way. As he did the unconscious girl let out a groan. Her Lillipup seemed to start to yip at her. "Oh man, how long was I out this time?" She said seeming to try to get her bearings.
As that happened a Nurse Joy burst in with her faithful Chancey. Green took note of how the Joy seemed to survey the situation making sure the crowd was already at bay and take in the situation at hand in only seconds. Then again she was in the medical field. He'd just never seen a Joy treat a person rather than a Pokemon.
Both Red and the service Pokemon moved out of Joy's way. The nurse kneed down and checked over the girl. "Can you stand on your own? Did you hit your head?" The nurse asked the groggy female. "Sorta my coordination is still a mess. I don't think I hit my head I don't feel any pain." The younger female responded. "What may I ask happened?" Questioned Joy further. The girl shook her head sitting up, this displaced her hair more. "I had a standard drop seizure coupled with a blackout seizure I think. I can't be sure as I lost consciousness but that's normal is happens" The nurse nodded at this. "I see so a petit mall and complex partial in conjunction. Have you been seeing your neurologist and taking you proscribed meds?" Asked the nurse. "Yea but I still get breakthrough seizures hench the medical service Pokemon." Came Blair's response. The nurse simply nodded well if you think you're okay and need no further medical treatment then just make sure to call you doctor." Joy told her in a stern tone. Before helping her up where she still shook regained her bounds.
The nurse Joy then nodded to her Chancey and they both left. Green decided at this moment to confirm his suspicions this was the new possible roommate. "Hey, you wouldn't happen to be Blair Woods?" He asked looking at the girl who matched the photo him and Red been sent. Blair straightened out her brown blouse before answering. " Yes, I am."
"Great" Green said, "then I'm guessing your her about the ad?" Blair looked at him a little peeved. "Yes, I am." Green then glanced at his watch to confirm that it was indeed passed his lunch break. "That's great mind meeting us back here tomorrow?" He then looked up first seeing a look on Red's face that read "seriously" as well as look on their prospective roommates face that read murder.
Blair glared at the attractive but humongous and the heck was she thinking attractive for, jerk. "You're messing with me right?" She said fuming. The male with spikey fawn-colored hair shook his head no. Blair was livid she'd just stressed too get her on time to the point she'd seized. The male gave her the typical look of a total womanizer and said in possibly the most arrogant way. "Look I'm sorry and all but this has run late and my lunch breaks over. Actually, now that I think about it could you do Saturday?" Maybe it was a terrible idea in hindsight but God it felt good as Blair full on socked the cocky male in the face.

A/N yeah cliffy. Okay I know sucks I'll post the next chapter next week. If you can't tell this chapter is in three prospectives. First is Blair's then Green's then Snooter her Lillipup the Green's again finishing in Blair's. Also I'm lmao at her slugging Green is the face but seriously you had to see it coming. Comment and all please remember to keep criticism constructive. If it's not your cup of tea don't read it. Simple as it can be.

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