part 13💜

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After jungkook, and his mother left, taehyung and the others planned how the proposal would go and after they finished planning taehyungs father came to pick him and mr.jeon to go buy the suit.

jungkook, and his mother were im the wedding section of the huge mall, jungkook smiled but then turned into a pout "idk what to chose suit or dress " jungkook said and looked at and his mother "well you know we can buy both so that you can wear the dress first and  then for the dance that you still need to practice with taehyung you can wear the suit so you feel comfortable" said and smiled "ooh i like that idea" said jungkooks mother and jungkook agreed as well "okie then both it is" jungkook smiled.

jimin,hobi and the cuties where organizing everything for the proposal while taehyung and jungkook were out, everyone  knew about proposal except jungkook. After jungkook chose what he liked they were leaving the mall. taehyung was already at home since it didnt take him long for him to chose what he wanted to wear "omg guys it look beautiful i bet jungkook would love it" said taehyung looking at what jimin,hobi and the kids did.

after a while jungkook arrived at home while a smiling, and his mother took him upstairs to put the dress and suit in a safe place until the wedding that was in 4 days everything was organized for the wedding. after a while jungkook walked downstairs with his mother and behind him. taehyung was ready and was standing waiting for jungkook to walk in the room. when jungkook walked in the room he teared up.

 when jungkook walked in the room he teared up

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taehyung got in one knee holding a ring box.

"jeon jungkook soon to be kim jungkook would you marry me?" taehyung said and jungkook when to taehyung and hugged him and whispered "yes baby i accept" said jungkook and pulled away from the hug while taehyung put the ring on jungkooks ring finge...

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"jeon jungkook soon to be kim jungkook would you marry me?" taehyung said and jungkook when to taehyung and hugged him and whispered "yes baby i accept" said jungkook and pulled away from the hug while taehyung put the ring on jungkooks ring finger and stood up and gave jungkook a deep kiss, the others were just smiling at how cute they looked.

"taetae baby you didnt have to" said jungkook and taehyung whiped away jungkooks tears "i want to make it special baby" taehyung said and jungkook again hugged him "you are the best, i love you" taehyung smiled at jungkooks words and hugged back "i love you too baby".

After the proposal and they ate dinner jungkook and taehyung were cuddling in jungkooks room, while jungkook and taehyung cuddled taehyung got a text message from...𝘣𝘢𝘮𝘣𝘢𝘮... it said 'Hi taehyung i just wanted to say that you better watch out because anything can happen soon.' which taehyung replied with 'bambam i told you everything hoping you would understand me and please leave me alone i chose my own life' said taehyung making bambam really mad and then put his phone down and saw the most adorable thing ever,jungkook asleep cutely with his cute baby face looking all squishy and soft, taehyung smiled and kissed his forehead "sleep well baby" said taehyung in a soft voice and he as well when go sleep.
Hewwo guys i hope chu Enjoyed reading this part of the story☺️. and im as well really sowwy i didnt update but ill try my best to update more just for you guys🥺. i purple chu.💜
Please stay safe!

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