part 18💜

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The next morning-

Taehyung woke up and saw his baby bunny was still sleeping as he softly smiled. He kisses jungkooks forehead softly and as well kissed his tummy, after a few minutes of admiring jungkook beautifully sleep jungkook woke up " Good morning beautiful " Taehyung said and smiled his famous boxy smile as jungkook smiled back softly " Good morning handsome " Jungkook said softly in a sleepy voice making taehyung coo as his cuteness.

Taehyung once again kissed his forehead and got up as he began doing his morning routine. When taehyung was done he came back to the room and saw jungkook wearing an over sized hoodie standing in front of the big mirror. "Aw my baby looks so cute" Taehyung said and back hugged jungkook making jungkook giggle " Thank you honey" Jungkook thanked taehyung while he had his hand on his stomach " You know you will be the best dad ever" Jungkook softly said while smiling at taehyung through the mirror in front of then " Aw and you would be the best mom/ dad ever " Taehyung said making jungkook giggle softly " Can we start designing the baby room" Jungkook asked and looked at taehyung through the mirror with his big doe eyes making taehyung agree since he couldn't say no to his bunny when he gave him that look " Of course my cutie but first we need to take you to your check up later today" Taehyung said as jungkook softly nodded and smiled " Let's go eat breakfast" Jungkook said as he turned around and kissed taehyung on the lips and taehyung kissed back. 

Taehyung and jungkook ate breakfast and watched a few movies but then got ready for jungkooks check up, when they were ready they went to car and started drinking. When they arrived they entered and jungkook got his check up after that they left. " Baby can we have a little picnic with hobi, jimin, suga hyung and as well with the kids and our parents? " Jungkook asked at they were driving back home " Of course my bunny and as well tomorrow we will go buy some things needed for the baby room ok? " Taehyung said and smiled at jungkook "yay okie" Jungkook clapped his hands cutely and bunny smiled making taehyung coo at his cuteness " I swear your going to be the end of me  bunny" Taehyung said as we continued cooing making jungkook giggle "am I really that cute? " Jungkook asked taehyung and he giggled " Yes bunny your the cutest " Taehyung said and smiled.

Taekook arrived home as they entered the house, jungkook texted hobi and told him if he wanted to come to have a picnic of course hobi agreed and now jungkook and taehyung are waiting for the others to come over so that they can have the picnic. Taehyung and jungkook were in the big back yard getting everything ready after they finished hobi, jimin, suga, the kids, jungkooks father and mother came as well with taehyungs mother and father.

Since taehyungs parents and either jungkooks parents didn't know that jungkook was pregnant jungkook and taehyung made a small surprise for them to find out. " Eomma appa me and taehyung have a surprise same with you Mr and Mrs. Kim come over here" Jungkook said with a smile as we walked over to a table that had a small box " Either of you can open it" Taehyung said with a smile as jimin, Yoongi, hobi already knew so they were standing on the side with a smile while Jason and jun played around " Oh ok I'll open it" Said jungkooks mother with a smile, she opened it and there was a baby shirt that had both pink and blue and it said 'I love my grandparents' jungkooks mother started to tear up getting the hint as she put the baby shirt down and went to hug jungkook "omg my baby is so grown up know" Said jungkooks mother will hugging jungkook, the others finally got the hint and were so happy for jungkook and taehyung, taehyungs parents said congratulations same with jungkooks parents.

Jungkook went to hobi and asked how everything was going with suga and jimin " Oh it's going great we are now together and jun was really happy to finally meet his father " Hobi said with a bright smile " Aw I'm so happy everything is working out with you guys" Jungkook said and bunny smiled.

Everyone had lots of fun on the little picnic jungkook and taehyung made they talked, played a few games and ate food, after that they all left before they said there goodbyes, jungkook and taehyung cleaned everything up and went inside the house and when to there room "babe I'm going to shower ok? " Taehyung said and smiled at jungkook " Ooh can I join pwease? " Jungkook said and looked into taehyungs eyes with his doe ones " Of course my bunny" Taehyung smiled at jungkooks cuteness.

Taehyung and jungkook both took a shower together and cuddled together under the covers after " Your all mine and only mine my bunny " Taehyung and as he kissed jungkook lips multiple times making jungkook giggle " Of course I'm all yours my lovely tiger" Jungkook said and kissed taehyung as taehyung kissed back they pulled away from the kiss as jungkook blushed and hide his face on the crook of taehyungs neck as taehyung chuckled softly " Is my bunny still shy? " Taehyung teased jungkook and jungkook softly nodded making taehyung coo " Aw my bunny your so adorable I swear tiger is going to eat you if you continue with your cuteness " Taehyung said as he wrapped his arms around jungkooks waist making jungkook blush even more " Nuu I don't want tiger to eat me" Jungkook said still blushing and pouted " Aw I was joking my lovely bunny" Taehyung softly said " Ok my love let's sleep " Taehyung said as he made jungkook look at him and kissed his lips making jungkook smile and nod "okie" Jungkook said " Good night my bunny" Taehyung said and kissed jungkooks forehead " Good night my tiger " Jungkook said before falling asleep, taehyung smiled and as well fell asleep.

Hello lovely's I hope you enjoyed this part as much as I enjoyed writing it. ☺💞

And I'm really sorry I didn't upload but here it is I'll try best to upload soon.

Please take care and stay safe I purple you all💜💞🌹

And I think I'll be ending this story soon but I'm not sure.

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