part 24 /Ending/

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- pwease ignore any mistakes🥺💜

It's been 10 years now, beomgyu it's 10 and he has a little sister named Chaeyoung and she is 6 years old. Beomgyu takes really good care of her and protects her which is so adorable and sweet of him.

It's was morning and today taehyung was going to give this cute little family a surprise he's been planning for a week now and can't wait.

Taehyungs little angels were still sleeping so he now was in the kitchen making breakfast for them. He organized the dining table beautifully and then quietly when up starts to wake up his cuties.

He first went to wake up his beautiful wife/husband "waky waky beautiful~" Taehyung softly said placing soft kisses on jungkooks beautiful face making Jungkook wake up and giggle "aww Good morning my beautiful princess~" Taehyung smiled as Jungkook smiles back " Good morning my handsome pwince " Jungkook said in an adorable soft sleepy voice which never failed to make taehyung coo at how cute he sounded.

" I'll let my princess get ready for the day while I wake up our angels" Taehyung boxy smiles and gives Jungkook a peck on the lips and then forehead. "Okie and I promise not to fall asleep again like last time" Jungkook giggles making taehyung giggle as well and softly chuckle " Well you better not or daddy tiger will punish baby bunny and baby bunny will miss something I have for all of my beautiful angels" Taehyung smiles which Jungkooks beautiful Bambi eyes sparkle in excitement " Ooh I won't this time I promise " Jungkook giggles softly and taehyung puts his hand on his chest and coos at Jungkooks cuteness "baby bunny is going to kill daddy tiger with his cuteness" Taehyung cutely fake cries which make Jungkook go hug taehyung tightly.

"Nuu bunny won't let that happen and please don't cry" Jungkook pouts cutely which made taehyung actually tear up by his cuteness and his beautiful sweet heart. "Aw baby now you did make daddy tiger cry, you are just so adorable my angel" Taehyung softly but tightly hugs Jungkook making Jungkook softly giggle and hug back and cutely looks up at taehyung and wipes his tears away " Otay no more cwying or baby bunny will cwy too, now go wake up our cuties so they can get ready for the day too" Jungkook smiles and taehyung did so.

He went to wake up this precious angels " Waky waky cuties time to wake up" Taehyung smiled and softly said making Chaeyoung and beomgyu pout "ok ok then no surprise then" Taehyung chuckles softly knowing that will wake them up and it did they both sat up while there eyes sparkled cutely making taehyung coo "both of you are just like your mother, you are going to give me a cuteness heart attack" Taehyung giggles.

Now they all walked downstairs ready for the day. And a smile came to taehyungs lips when he saw this angels walk towards the dining table admiring how beautiful it looked. "Wow appa chu did this? " Chaeyoung said cutely "yes cutie appa did this for you angels" Taehyung smiles and then Jungkook and the two cuties hug taehyung tightly "thank chuuuuuu! " The three of them said at the same time making taehyung coo at there cuteness.

They sat down and started to eat the delicious food taehyung prepared for them. "Wow this food is amazing baby" Jungkook looks at taehyung with loving eyes making taehyung smile "I'm glad all of you liked it" Taehyung said while chaeyoung and beomgyu were eating cutie loving the food.

After a while they all finished eating. koo helped taetae wash the dishes and clean the dining table while chaeyoung and beomgyu watched cartoons at the living room.

Taehyung and Jungkook were done doing what they were doing and they walked to the living room and smiled when they saw there babies watching paw patrol on the couch. "Aw they sure are the cutest" Jungkook giggles softly as taehyung back hugs him "yes they are baby just like you" Taehyung kisses Jungkook softly on the neck making Jungkook giggle once again.

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