part 17💜

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After a few weeks jungkook began  have morning sickness and taehyung got really worried he told him they had to go see a doctor to see what was wrong but jungkook didn't want to because he said it would randomly go way and that made taehyung more worried "jungkookie baby please let's go to a doctor this has been going on for a week and you keep saying it's nothing but I'm sure it's something babe please" Taehyung plead jungkook who was in the bathroom sink washing his mouth "taehyung it's nothing I swear" Jungkook said and dried this mouth  with a blue towel making taehyung sigh at his words he always repeats the same thing every morning "ok then if you say so, oh and I have to go somewhere with my father today so please take care of yourself" Taehyung said and pulls jungkook close by the waist and kisses his forehead making jungkook smile " Okie but can hobi hyung come over with jimin and the kids? " Jungkook asked and looked at taehyung with his big doe eyes making taehyung smile and peck his lips "of course my love" Taehyung softly said as jungkook smiled, taehyung let's go of jungkook and gets ready and now taehyung is waiting for his father and jungkook lays down as he texts hobi.
After a while taehyungs father came to pick taehyung up "babe my father is here" Taehyung said and kissed jungkooks forehead "oh okie baby please take care" Jungkook said with his big doe eyes staring at taehyungs " Of course my cutie and you as well bye" Taehyung pecks ungkook's lips softly and jungkook smiles " Bye bye baby" Jungkook said in a cute soft voice and after again kissing jungkooks soft pink lips he leaves. Jungkook changes into comfortable clothes and walked downstairs as he eats breakfast And after lays down on the couch waiting for his hyungs and the kids to come.

After awhile of waiting jungkookie heard the door bell ring and excitedly runs to the door and opens it as he saw his hyungs outside as he smiled at them "hi hyungs!" Jungkook said excitedly as jimin and hobi cood at his cuteness "hi little brothe...

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After awhile of waiting jungkookie heard the door bell ring and excitedly runs to the door and opens it as he saw his hyungs outside as he smiled at them "hi hyungs!" Jungkook said excitedly as jimin and hobi cood at his cuteness "hi little brother " Hobi said and smiled as jungkook and jungkook hugged him as hobi hugged back then jungkook hugged jimin " Hi kookie how is everything going?" Jimin asked as he hugged back "oh everything is going great but um" as he pulls away and looked at Jimin and his brother "what's wrong kookie? " Hobi asked worried " Come inside and talk btw where is Jason and jun? " Jungkook asked feeling a little sad because he wanted to play with them both "oh they wanted to stay with eomma" Hobi said as jungkook nodded and moved a side so that his hyungs could come in, they sat on the couch "so now jungkook tell us whats wrong" Jimin asked as well worried "well um I've been having morning sickness since the last time me and taetae did it" Jungkook said as he had a blush on his cheeks "oh well have you been getting in the middle of the night feeling hungry and carving for food? " Jimin asked already having a clue on what was wrong with jungkook " Oh yeah I have been waking up late at night carving for food" Jungkook said "but how did you know? " Jungkook asked "well jungkook if you are carving for food and having morning sickness that means your......𝚙𝚛𝚎𝚐𝚗𝚊𝚗𝚝" Jimin said looking at jungkook " But I'm not sure so we have to find out" Jimin said again at the nerves jungkook "hobi babe can you go buy jungkook a pregnancy test please" Jimin looked at hobi with his pleading eyes which hobi couldn't say no too "ok ok I'll go" Hobi said and smiled "thank you!" Jimin said and pecked hobis lips, hobi left to buy the pregnancy test for jungkook. "H-hyung w-what if taetae won't like that I'm pregnant well if I'm a-am" Jungkook asked with teary eyes " Hey don't say that jungkook I bet taehyung would he really happy to find out, you don't have to worry because I went through it and im really happy to have Jason and jun" Jimin smiled making jungkook smile " Aw now I hope I am because I want a family with taehyungie" Jungkook said with his bunny smile and Jimin smiled "but hyung it's it's ok to ask are both Jason and jun hobi hyungs children? " Jungkook asked with Jimin froze on the spot " W-well jungkook jun is not hobis kid" Jimin said " Oh so who? " Jungkook asked curiously " Um d-do you remember the guy who stopped bam bam from shooting you? " Jimin asked "oh yeah I remember him he kinda looks like jun " Jungkook said as he carefully listened to Jimin who had tears in his eyes "oh nuu Jimin hyung don't cry it's okie" Jungkook hugs Jimin and it calmed him down "well jungkook he is jun's father" Jimin said with a broken voice "i-i never thought he was alive because one day he never came back to me and never heard of him at all" Jimin continued to explain everything to jungkook as he pulled away from the hug " Oh so hobi hyung is jun's step father? " Jungkook asked as Jimin nods "does he know that he is the father of jun? " Jungkook again asked " N-no he doesn't know" Jimin said "well Why don't you try to talk to him I bet he deserves to know and you need to know the reason why he left there is always a reason to everyone hyung" Jungkook said and Jimin knew he was right "but I don't know where be is Jungkook"

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