part 19💜

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One month later-

"Baby! " Jungkook whines calling taehyung from the living room since taehyung was in the kitchen because Jungkook asked for fruit " Yes my love what's wrong? " Taehyung said and walked to the living room to see Jungkook sitting down on the couch while pouting " I want banana milk " Jungkook said and looked at taehyung with his big doe eyes making taehyung coo at how cute he looked.

"ok my bunny I'll get you banana milk" Taehyung kissed Jungkooks forehead and walked back to the kitchen and got jungkook banana milk and the fruit he was cutting on a plate " Here you go my angel" Taehyung said and placed the plate and banana milk on the small living room table and sat down besides jungkook " Thank you baby " Jungkook said and hugged taehyung "your welcome my bunny" Taehyung hugged jungkook back and smiled "can chu feed me pwease? " Jungkook asked cutely " Of course my cutie" Taehyung got a peace of fruit and feed it to jungkook.

After taehyung finished feeding jungkook they were cuddling on the couch while watching a movie together " Baby can I get a kissy pwease? " Jungkook asked taehyung " Aw of course my bunny" Taehyung smiled and softly kissed jungkook as jungkook kissed back.

They kissed for a while and pulled away because of lack of air, jungkook smiled at taehyung and taehyung smiled back at his bunbun "your so cute and as well our like baby, she or he is already growing " Taehyung said and put his hand on jungkooks stomach making jungkook giggle.

" My tummy is bigger now and yes he/she is growing and I can't wait to have him/her I'm my arms" Jungkook said softly and smiled " Aw me either I just can't wait to see how he/she looks, but I bet the baby will look really cute just like you" Taehyung said and looked into jungkooks doe eyes which always makes jungkook blush.

"Aw did tiger make little bunny blush? " Taehyung said in a teasing deep voice "nuu stop" Jungkook covered his face with his cute small hands making taehyung coo " Ok ok my lovely bunny I'll stop" Taehyung said with a smile on his lips and kissed jungkooks forehead and removed jungkooks hands for his beautiful face, revealing a cute blushing jungkook.

" Aww your so cute " Taehyung said and kissed all over jungkooks face leaving lips for last making jungkook blush even more and hid his face on taehyungs neck making taehyung giggle " B-bunny want t-tiger to stop making bunny blush" Jungkook stuttered " Ok tiger will stop now" Taehyung said and kissed jungkooks forehead once again.

Taehyung and jungkook were getting ready since jungkook wanted to go out to the park.

(That's what they are wearing UwU)

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(That's what they are wearing UwU)

" Okie baby I'm ready let's gooo! " Jungkook said excitedly making taehyung smile " Ok bunny let's go" Taehyung holds jungkooks hand and walks out the house and walked to the car before closing the door. Taehyung opens the car door for jungkook " Thank you " Jungkook smiles at taehyung " You welcome my princess " Taehyung smiles back.

Jungkook enters the car taehyung puts the seat belt on jungkook and taehyung closes the door for him then goes to the other side of the car and gets in as well putting his set belt on. he starts the car and Taehyung started driving to the park.

Jungkook was looking out the window while smiling "do you want to listen to music my bunny? " Taehyung asked jungkook and jungkook nodded " Yes please " Jungkook said. Taehyung put music on for jungkook and smiled when jungkook started singing along with his angelic voice.

They arrived at the park jungkook clapped his hands cutely making taehyung coo. Taehyung parked the car and got out and when to the other side and opened the door for jungkook " Thank you my prince " Jungkook smiled " Your welcome my princess " Taehyung smiled back and jungkook got out the car, taehyung closed the car door and holds jungkooks hand and they start walking around.

(It's more then a garden but still it's beautiful)

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(It's more then a garden but still it's beautiful)

" Wow it's so beautiful here right baby? " Jungkook asked while looking around with his big beautiful doe bunny eyes looking so adorable. " Yes bunny but not as beautiful as you" Taehyung teased and smiled making Jungkook blush making him look more adorable " Baby stop! " Jungkook whines cutely " But it's truth my angel" Taehyung pulls Jungkook close by the waist but being careful with his tummy.

" N-no it's not" Jungkook said and hid his face on taehyungs chest " Baby yes it is, your really the most beautiful person I ever meet in my whole life as well adorable and sweet " They and Jungkook playfully hits taehyungs chest while pouting " F-fine only because you say so and thank you" Jungkook said still blushing.

Taehyung smiles and let's go of Jungkook as they again holds his hand and starts walking again. After a while of walking taehyung cuts a flower and puts in behind jungkooks ear. " Aw you look so cute" Taehyung cooed making jungkook giggle " And you are handsome " Jungkook said and stands on his tippy toes and pecks taehyungs lips making taehyung smile.

An hour later-

Taehyung and jungkook were walking back to the car since jungkook was getting tired of walking. When they got in the car and taehyung started driving jungkook couldn't keep his eyes open and fell asleep.

They arrived at home " Bunny we are her- aw my bunny fell asleep " Taehyung cooed and got out the car walked to the other side and carried jungkook up bridle style and took him inside and to there shared bedroom he layed jungkook down on the bed carefully and covered him with a blanket then layed down besides him and closed his eyes falling asleep and pulled jungkook close and jungkook snuggled onto taehyungs chest.

゚+*:;;:* 。・:*:・(✿◕3◕)❤*:;;:*+゚

I hope you guys liked it 💜💕

Please take care and stay safe I purple you all💜💜💕💕💗

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