My Itty Bitty. Chapter 1

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(Y/n) Your name
(E/c) Eye color
(S/c) Soul color

In this book most monsters are bitty's. So the humans keep them as pets.

It was 4.45 pm and y/n had just finished drawing for a comission. They sat down on the couch in front of the tv. They were such a loner. Their friend went on holiday with her mom, so they didn't have anyone to hang out with or talk to.

Then they remembered her mention this bitty store one time. She sounded really excited about it and said they weren't that expensive. '....Maybe i should buy one?'  They thought. 'The store isn't too far away from here. I can walk over there.'
so they made up their mind. They were going to buy a bitty.

They dressed up and got their bag. Then headed over to the store.
It was slightly raining but they didn't mind.

~10 minutes later~

After about 10 minutes they arrived at the bitty store. they walked inside and saw all the cute bitty's in small glass boxes with  small beds. It was so adorable. they walked up to the cashier. It was a nice Calico Cat lady. She was maybe around the age of 30. "Hello darlin. I'm Toffee. You lookin' for a bitty?" y/n nodded. "Just head over there" she pointed in the direction of the bitty's "let me know if you found one you like ok sweetheart?" She said kindly. "Yes, thank you." y/n responded and walked in the direction Toffee pointed. They saw alot of cute little bitty's. Some looked like dogs and cats, and others like monsters and humans. There was this one monster that caught their eye. It was a small skeleton. He (they thought it was a he) had a white shirt with a red stain on it, blue hoodie, black basketball shorts and pink slippers. On top of his box it said "Horror" that was probably his name. He was sitting in the corner with his arms wrapped around his legs and his skull resting ontop of his knees. He looked kind of sad. y/n approached slowly. When they stood in front he noticed them and looked a bit panicked. y/n bent down so their face was leveled with his. They then gently tapped the glass with their finger so they could get his attention.
When y/n tapped he just stared at them. He looked afraid. They could tell that he didn't trust them. y/n didn't blame him. y/n was atleast (number) feet tall and he was just a 5 inch bitty.
He kept staring at them. y/n just gave him a smile. "Hello there. Are you alright. You look a bit shaken" they asked him. He looked away from them and pulled his hood over his head. "I'm fine." He said. y/n didn't believe him. They felt bad for him. He looked pretty sad. y/n walked back to the counter.

"Oh you're back. Have you found one you like?" asked Toffee. Her tail flicked behind her. y/n nodded in response. "Wich one?" She asked them. they pointed their finger towards horror. "I see." Her ears lowered a bit. "Are you sure darling? He has been brought back a couple of times before." She told them. "Why?" y/n asked curious.

"Well, he has been abused by his first owners. When he got new ones he didn't trust them so he almost bit one of their fingers off. Naturally they brought him back here. So are you sure you want him?"

"Yes mam'."

Toffee took out a paper and pen and placed both in front of y/n. "Here sign this and he's all yours. I'll go get him ready for travel." y/n nodded. While they were reading the paper, Toffee was getting horror ready. When y/n was done reading they signed. Toffee came walking back with some kind of cat cage. (idk how you call those) and a small plastic bag. She placed both on the table and took the signed paper and pen. After y/n paid they took the cage and bag and walked out with the biggest smile.
They were so happy this small guy was now theirs. Though, it was probably going to take some time for him to trust them.

"Hey, you ok in there buddy? I'm walking home now so it might be a little bumpy." He didn't respond.

~time skip 10 minutes~

When they finally arrived at their apartment y/n placed the bag on the table in front of the couch and the cage on the couch. They first looked in the bag. There were some clothes in there such as shirts and socks. 'They look so cute and tiny'  y/n tought. There were also some gloves in there. They were human size. 'Maybe these are for when he tries to bite me?'
They put the bag on the floor. Then slowly opened the cage, as to not startle the tiny skel inside. When the cage was fully open horror didn't come out.  y/n didn't want to reach in because horror could and probably would bite them. So they first put on the gloves and then reached inside to grab him.

They were trying their best to be gentle but they could see him struggle in their hand. Once he was out y/n placed him on the couch.

"Hey it's ok buddy, don't worry i won't hurt y-."  y/n was cut off. he bit their finger. Luckily y/n was wearing the gloves. He hissed and kept biting. He wouldn't let go. y/n remembered they had some candy in their pocket so they took that out and held it in front of him to try and make him let go. He stared at the piece of candy y/n held in their hand. He slowly let go of their finger, saliva dripping from his mouth.

When he fully let go y/n gave him the candy and patted his skull. "So you like candy hm?  If you don't bite me, i'll give you more." The pupil in his one red eye dilated. y/n giggled. "I don't want to hurt you. I just want to get to know you." y/n said to him. He just continued eating the candy they gave him.
"You don't talk much do you?" y/n asked. He didn't respond.
they sighed and turned on the tv. Horror gasped. The tv was a bit to loud. They turned it down a bit.
"You stay here ok? I'm going to make some dinner. If you need me just call my name. It's (Y/n)." They smiled before walking to the kitchen.

End of chapter 1

My Itty Bitty. Bad Guy Sanses x reader (On Hiatus)Where stories live. Discover now