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Ophelia slumped forward, leaning her head on top of her already folded arms while she and the rest of the Gryffindor waited for breakfast to begin. She had been feeling odd all morning, almost like she was forgetting some homework or that it was someone's birthday. Still, she couldn't place it.

Turning, Ophelia's eyes glanced over the too-familiar portraits on the wall by the doorway, hoping the old wizards and witches held something that would help her remember. Instead, her eyes caught the customary bright flash of her best friend's vibrant hair.

Then it hit her.

Cas practically sprinted up to her usual spot next to Ophelia. Sliding into place quickly, Cas turned animatedly to her best friend. "Today's the day!" Sensing how excited she was, Ophelia raised an eyebrow.

"Today's the day...for what?" Cas grinned excitedly. Ophelia knew the answer before Cas even opened her mouth.

"Quidditch tryouts!" Ophelia couldn't help but smile at how happy her best friend was that the day had finally come. She had been preparing for it since school began, and was practically a shoo-in, seeing as she had been on the team for three years already. At this point, Cas was just ready to be back on the pitch.

And if Ophelia was honest, so was she.

Her fingers itched to get hold of the smooth, curved wood that made up every broomstick. She longed for the completely freeing feeling of being up in the air, the wind whistling past her face as she diligently followed the chasers, the familiar weight of the bat in her hand making it easy to---

No. She was not about to let this happen. True, Ophelia loved Quidditch, but she had never exactly played for someone. Or anything. She only played with her brothers and father, occasionally bulking up the teams when her neighbors or cousins came over. True, she had spent many a night out behind her house, pouring over diagrams or different defensive moves and twisting passes. She would scan the page over and over making sure she knew every inch of movement and figure by heart. Quietly, she would mount her broom, rising into the air and tirelessly trying to recreate the pictures from Quidditch Through the Ages.

Still, Ophelia was absolutely positive that as soon as she had to perform in front of a crowd or do anything to prove herself, she would mess up. Sure, playing Quidditch was all well and good, but her and her family's version of 'good' was probably a lot different than the Hogwarts teams'. Ophelia had gone four years avoiding tryouts, and she was not going to succumb any time soon.

Cas, apparently, had different ideas.

"I can't wait! This day better go by super fucking fast." Suddenly, she turned to Ophelia. "You should try out with me."

Ophelia tensed. "Where'd you get that idea?" Cas shrugged.

"I don't know, just came to me. I am a genius." when Ophelia gave no response, Cas continued. "I mean, you said you played Quidditch, so why not try out? If you have fun doing it, what's stopping you?"

"I'd flop. Playing Quidditch is one thing, actually being good at it is another. Besides, I do badly in front of crowds anyway. Even if I had any talent, they'd never put me on the team." Cas bumped Ophelia with her shoulder.

"You'd be fine! Besides, I'm sure you're great at Quidditch." When Ophelia said nothing, Cas bumped her again. "Come on, why not just try?" Ophelia sighed.

"No. I'm not trying out."

"Fiiiiiine," Cas whined. "But...at least come with me to tryouts later?" Smiling defeatedly, Ophelia nodded.

"Of course. I wouldn't want to miss seeing you kicking everyone's asses."

Satisfied, Cas turned to her now magically full plate, choosing to scoop a little more eggs onto her plate. Grinning halfheartedly, Ophelia turned to her own laden plate, shrugging off what could've been a disappointment and trying to be happy. At least she wouldn't embarrass herself while playing Quidditch.

𝑡𝘩𝑒 𝑠𝘩𝑎𝑑𝑒'𝑠 𝑎𝑙𝑙𝑢𝑟𝑒𝑚𝑒𝑛𝑡, 𝗁.𝗉. 𝗇𝖾𝗑𝗍 𝗀𝖾𝗇.Where stories live. Discover now