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Teddy wrapped his coat tighter around his body, cold rain made shivers run down his back despite the layers of warm clothing. He could practically feel the tension and excitement in the air, the stands of the Quidditch Pitch were filled to the brim with students from all houses, despite the fact that the game was Slytherin and Gryffindor. This game determined who would claim the Quidditch Cup, the most highly anticipated game of the year.

He tried to imagine what it must be like in the Gryffindor dressing room right now, bundling up for the wet game, the mix of nerves and readiness for the game. He imagined what it must be like for her. He could almost see the look of determination that must be painted all over Ophelia's features as she tied her long brown hair back. Teddy's heart flipped, he wasn't just excited for the game, he was excited to see her play. He remembered the Hufflepuff game against the Gryffindor team, Ian and his friends had decided that they didn't want to watch Gryffindor destroy their team so they all skipped the game and went to Hogsmeade instead. Teddy had reluctantly been forced to go, therefore missing his chance to watch Ophelia without raising suspicion.

But now he sat in the freezing stands, alone, anxiously waiting for the game to start, just to catch a glimpse of the girl he had quickly grown enamored with. From what he had heard Cas, Ophelia, Milo, and Jonah had been deemed the stars of the show, save for the breathtaking moment James Potter snatched the Snitch out of midair. Teddy had never been obsessed with Quidditch but he was genuinely excited for this game, excited to watch his cousin excel at the sport she had loved her whole life, and excited to watch Ophelia be effortlessly amazing at yet another thing Teddy couldn't even dream of doing.

Teddy chuckled when he realized how different Ophelia was from the girls that so persistently followed him around. He tried to imagine any one of them racing around a Quidditch Pitch protecting their teammates from a murderous bludger, being one of the most intelligent, funny people he had ever met, hell, risking their life to save the school they loved. With a stab of worry, Teddy remembered that he too was included in that life-risking mission.

"Teddy?" Ian's voice jarred Teddy out of his thoughts, "Bro, why didn't you tell me you were gonna be at the game? I had no idea you were gonna be here." Ian sat down in the empty seat next to him. Teddy scrambled for a reason other than Ophelia to be at the game, he didn't come up with anything so he settled for a shrug.

"I dunno, what about you? You've skipped all of the other games, why are you here?"

"Well, I figured since our team was too shitty to make this game and only got a whopping third place. I would at least come and watch James annihilate the snakes."

Why didn't he think of that?

Ophelia Lovegood. That's why.


"Yeah, same." Teddy agreed too quickly, Ian raised a skeptical eyebrow, after looking at Teddy for a split second longer he shrugged.

"I mean okay, you could have just said that, to begin with." Teddy nodded, "Weirdo."

Teddy sighed, "Yeah, I know."

After a few moments of silence, Teddy felt Ian shiver violently next to him.

"Shit dude, this weather sucks," Ian complained as he shoved his hands into his pockets.

"Yeah, I noticed." Teddy rolled his eyes but had to agree, the cold rain was miserable.

"Whatever, James must be pissed, it's gotta be crazy hard to see that tiny-ass golden ball in the rain."

Teddy absentmindedly muttered an agreement as he began to wonder how Ophelia must be feeling right now. He wondered if she was going to be warm enough, what if the rain made it harder for her to play? He remembered his uncles telling him plenty of stories about rainy games that seemed scarier than facing Voldermort himself. Teddy longed to be in the locker room, to wrap Ophelia in his arms and give her a good luck hug. Just to tell her that she was going to do great and that he would support her either way.

𝑡𝘩𝑒 𝑠𝘩𝑎𝑑𝑒'𝑠 𝑎𝑙𝑙𝑢𝑟𝑒𝑚𝑒𝑛𝑡, 𝗁.𝗉. 𝗇𝖾𝗑𝗍 𝗀𝖾𝗇.Where stories live. Discover now