The Bed

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What once was my protector now holds me hostage. A place to hide from the monsters, not noticing the ones forming in my head.

The screaming started again.

The screams.

The yelling.

The arguments.

The pain.

The bed.

Laying in this bed again, too sick to leave. Unable to make a move until the bites start showing up. My safe haven invaded with roommate parasites.

I'm left on leather, to hide from the bugs. The vermin I call family. He smiles from his laundry bed and I cry.

One month has passed and still no replacement. No place to hide from my issues.

From them.

The screams stop.

Temporary heaven invades my room once again. Another prison until my cell is complete. It should be here soon right?

It's deflating.

The bed had wrapped around me once again, the soft buzz of air filling my ears.

The screaming starts again.

Shitty Poems I write when I'm sadWhere stories live. Discover now