Privileged Depression

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"I'm feeling just fine!"

I smile as I tell you, if I say it like that will you believe me?

I gotta have had to been hurt in some way, abused some how because this pain has had to come from somewhere. It can't have just appeared.

You see other people have it worse than me and I can't ask for help without a real reason.

Yes I am in pain but that's not enough.

Used to be honors kid, now I'm falling 4 classes while Mom and Dad scream. You see after my brother I'm the 'last hope'.

My brother blaming himself for the reason I want to die.

Mom telling herself it's her fault for not gifting me the word of God.

I soon realize my Dad is the only one not blaming anyone, just telling me there is no reason to feel this way. No reason to feel.

My Mom once got so upset she cornered me in the hallway just to prove a point. Told me if I really was a boy I should have no problem with her squeezing my chest.

When I was in 4th grade I swallowed a bottle of pepdo bismol, thought I could overdose on that. Instead I got a stomach ache and stayed home sick for 3 days.

I tell you I've got no reason to be in pain. No reason to wine about my problems because other people have it worse.

You believe me.

Because my life is so good, I've got a family. A roof over my head. Parents who aren't divorced. Plenty of friends.

What could ever be so terrible about my life?

Shitty Poems I write when I'm sadWhere stories live. Discover now