Logan jumped out of his chair and rushed to my side when he heard my scream.
"Luara are you okay?" Concern filled his voice and let me know that nothing had changed about my beloved brother.
"Where have you been? Where did you go? I thought you were dead! How are you alive?!" I said in a rush, spouting questions as soon as they formed in my head. I looked him up and down making sure he was okay.
He pulled me into a tight hug and I fought back the tears that were springing into my eyes.
"I was changed sis, that night you were taken by Daniel." He stated as I looked at him with confusion.
*Flash Back* <Logan's POV>
They've taken her? Oh God, why now? Why couldn't it have been when I was ready!?
I heard the crunch of leaves and I turned to see the only person I expected it not to be. My sister.
"Logan... I lost you for a second, they gave me a hard drink at the party an I drank it before you came to take me from up stairs." She slurred.
I could tell she was completely wasted and I didn't like it one bit. If I was right about what I thought was going to happen, she needed to be sober to fight back.
There was a loud growl.
"Luara, I need you to run and don't look back until I tell you."
Now she stood frozen in fear, I couldn't blame her, but I really needed her to get out of here.
"NOW!" I roared.
She took off down the path that led to the cemetery. I braced myself for the impact to come.
But instead a man slowly stepped out of the bush an brushed a few leaves off his jacket.
"I'm not really here to hurt you Logan, I'm here to finally take what's mine." Daniel said pointing into the direction of the path Luara took.
"No, you can't take her now, she doesn't even know that vampires exist." I shouted, he couldn't take her now. It wouldn't be fair.
Daniel growled and lunged toward me. I went to move out of the way but he was faster. I felt the sharp bite of a vampires teeth in my neck and I screamed in pain. He didn't even try to make it less agonizing.
"LOGAN!" I heard Luara scream but I was too weak to look up.
Daniel had taken nearly all of my blood when he got up and nonchalantly brushed off his shirt.
"Well it appears I found what I was looking for." Daniel smirked and starting walking toward Luara.
I heard Luara scream and take off down a different path. Daniel chuckled than took off after her.
I wanted to help but I knew I couldn't. I pushed through all of the pain that was coursing through my body and got up. A few of my ribs were broken and the gash in my neck was still bleeding. My body protested when I tried standing. Step by step I walked towards the creek.
After about 5 minutes of slowly inching toward the lake I got there. Memories of when Luara and and I would come down here and play games when we were younger flooded back in my head.
I sat down at the dock of the creek. I winced at the terrible pain in my body.
"Oh my God!" A woman jumped up from the side of the dock and ran by my side. It was Daniel's sister Anna.
"Logan, what did he do to you?" There was a long pause before I could take a deep breathe and answer.
"He's taking my sister as his bride. He killed me when I got in the way." I gasped. I was losing consciousness.
She looked like she was ready to break down in tears herself. She slowly laid me down. Then she bit her wrist and held it over my mouth.
I opened my mouth and let the healing blood go into my system. I knew what was going to happen, I was going to end up becoming a vampire but it was the only way to help Luara.
My body felt new and I slowly got up. I would only have a few minutes before sleep would come so I could complete the change.
We took off down the creek, me following every step she took. When we reached the a car on the side of the cracked road I got in and fell fast into a deep sleep.
*Flash Back Over* <Luara's POV>
"How come you never came for me?" I asked.
"I couldn't. Trust me I wanted to. If I had my body would have shut down."
My body was shaking and tears were at the brim of my eyes.
I felt arms engulf me from behind, I then realized how cold I had been.
"I'm taking you out." Daniel said with a loving voice. I felt Logan's glare but I didn't look.
"Um, I don't think so, she needs a girls night out!" The girl I assumed was Anna pulled Daniel off of me.
"I'm Anna, Daniel's sister. I know you could use a break from that thing." Anna pointed to Daniel, and I laughed.
Anna was very beautiful, she had midnight black hair and sea blue eyes, I could tell that it was her natural hair color too. She didn't look like she used color contacts either. She had pale flawless skin. There wasn't a single mark on her except a circle with a strange looping design. It was her mark and it was on her right wrist.
"Just call me Ann. Your Luara right? Daniel wouldn't shut up about you."
"Anna..." Daniel growled.
Ann and I giggled, she grabbed my hand and we went out of the room.
This night was going to be well deserved.

Soul Mate
RomanceLuara was a regular 19 year old who wanted to know what it was like to get drunk. But after being kidnapped by a mysterious man she begins to think that wasn't a good plan. Soon she's dragged into vampires werewolves and soul mates. Yet she still ha...