Days 9 and 10

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Day 9:

You and Deku sat on the bed together, you reading a book and Deku on his phone.

"I wanna do something. It's getting stuffy in here." You complained throwing your murder mystery novel down.

Did you guess the killer right off the back again?" Deku asked slightly, looking up from his phone.

You sighed letting Deku know he was right.

"Okay. Let's go to the movies. There's gotta be some horror film out. It's September." Deku threw on his shirt and began scrolling through his phone.

"Oh what's the one about the clown?" You asked about shoving your shoes on.

"It 2, I think? There's a show that starts soon. Let's go." Deku helped you off the floor.


"Haha! Great movie!" Deku smiled. You however were in tears.

"He didn't have to die! It could've spared him." Deku pulled you into him.

"(Y/n). It's okay. Shh babe." Deku looked down at his watch. "Oh look at the time. It's my turn right?"

"Yeah." You wiped your tears away.

"Whenever you're ready." Deku spread open his arms smiling down at you.

You pulled out his knife from his pocket and stabbed him.

Day 10:

"Have you ever built a sandcastle?" You looked away from the television in Deku's apartment.

"No... not that I can remember." Deku lifted his brow suspiciously at you.

"Let's go to the beach! It's an hour away by train and if we hurry we can catch the 10:30 train. I know that when we get there it'll be 11:30 but that's all the time we need to make a sandcastle." You cut off the TV and hopped up excitedly.

"Uh okay..." Deku seemed wary of the idea.

"I promise it's gonna be great!" You grabbed his hand leading him out the door.


"See I told you! It's fun!" You and Deku were surrounded by dozens of mini sandcastles.

"Yeah Where'd you find the buckets?" Deku asked while sculpting out another torrent.

"Lost and the train station." You answered simply.

"We've got about 20  different sand empires buuuuuut, it's pretty close to 12pm. Who's turn is it?" Deku stood up dusting sand off his pants.

"I've got it." You smiled at Deku and plunged your hidden knife into your chest.

This One Day Villain! Deku x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now