Day 12

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Day 12:

A minute had passed. Maybe two. You didn't want to open your eyes only to see that you were no longer with Deku. Yet you were terrified of never being able to move on with life without him.

You slowly opened your eyes immediately looking up at Izuku's freckle covered face.

Day 13:

"Deku! Open your eyes..." You stood up and walked over to the alarm clock on Deku's night stand.

Deku's eyes snapped open, immediately locking onto you. A soft smile graced his lips before he turned and hastily turned the television onto the news,

"Good morning and welcome to Friday the 21 of September!" the newscaster announced

You And Deku stared at the TV, ten at each other before running into the other collapsing into a hug on the floor. Tears streamed down your face, thankful that you could continue to live life normally besides Deku.

"We didn't get left behind again." Deku whispered into your hair.

You pulled away to look into Izuku's emerald green eyes.

Izuku leaned in kissing you lovingly on your lips.

You smiled into the kiss, thanking the powers of fate , of the world and each and every God.

"Well I should go back to my place, call in sick or something..." You slipped out of Deku's embrace, instantly missing his warmth. You slowly walked towards the door feeling Deku's gaze on you the whole time.

"Wait, (y/n)!" Deku rested his hand over yours, as it held on to the door knob.

"Will I ever see you again?" Izuku's other hand ghosted over your lower back, almost begging you to stay,

"Well you always know where to find me. Izuku." You smiled at him before closing the door behind you.


The day was Friday, October 12. Time: 10pm. Your normal Friday night shift. Well almost. You were waiting for someone. A special someone. The normal customers wandered in and out buying food or candy, but none of them were who you wished was here.

You looked up again as the doorbell chimed

"Long time no see, babe." An older teen with messy green hair stood in front of the counter smirking down at you.

"Took you long enough. I've been waiting since my shift started." You made your way around the counter.

You reached up wrapping your arms around Izuku's neck pulling him down to your height.

"I love you Izuku." You smiled wildly.

"I love you too (y/n)." Izuku closed the small distance between you with a tender loving kiss.

This One Day Villain! Deku x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now