Day 1

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           You awoke to the loud sound of your annoying alarm clock. The flashing red lights read 8pm. Taking a shower you put on your work clothes for your normal Thursday nights shift at the convenience store around the corner. You pulled out a slice of leftover pizza, eating it on the walk to your job. You were watching your favorite Youtuber and were completely unaware of the figure following behind you.

          You leaned on the counter looking through your phone. The occasional customer came along needing to be rung up. The doorbell chimed again and in walked a green haired male. He looked to be about your age, not to mention, he was kinda cute.

          Turning to face you he reached into his jacket. "Give me all the money in the box and you won't get hurt."

          Your eyes widened in fear. You hurriedly pulled out every dollar in the register and headed it over to the male. But he did lower his gun.

          "You're coming with me. Get around the counter. " He demanded.

          You did as you were told, your hands were shaking. He pulled you to his side, your breath hitched when you felt his hand snake around your waist.

          "Smile. Don't look scared. Make a scene and you're dead, got it? "

          You plastered what you hoped was a very warm and convincing smile on your face, nodding vigorously.

          "Not a word. No sounds. I don't want to hear a peep out of you until I say we're in the clear." He finaly tucked his gun away. Snatching your phone off the counter, he pocketed that too.


          The heavy wooden door closed with a thunk, making you jump away from the green haired teen.

          "W-who are you?!" Your voice shook, as you backed away from your kidnapper.

          The ten smiled following your slowly retreating form. "How rude of me! I never introduced myself. My name is Izuku Midoriya, but everyone calls me Deku. "

          Your voice hitched as your back hit the wall. But Mydoria never stopped creeping towards you. You were frozen with fear as he placed his hands on the wall next to your head. His green eyes were practically glowing as they stared deep into yours.

          "And your name, is (y /fn) (y /mn) (y /ln)."

          "How did... How did you know that? I've never even met you before! " You desperately wished you could melt into the floor.

          "Oh darling ~ I know everything about you. ~" Midoriya ripped cloth off the wall to the left of your head.

          "I've had my eye on you for quite some time. It didn't take long to figure out your daily schedule. You made it easy for me. For that I thank you, love. " Midoriya stepped back to let you look at the wall.

          It was filled with hundreds of cameo shots of you going to work, leaving work and going to the store. It really did look like you were making it easy for him to follow you.

          You start to back away frightened of what you saw.You turned heart pounding, head racing. The only thing you knew to do was run away, and never stop running.

          "Oh love, don't you dare disappear so soon. We haven't even enjoyed any real time together. " Midoriya ran to intercept you from running out the door.

          "Leave me alone! Let me go! I want to leave! " You screamed tears pricking in your eyes.

          Midoriya smile disappeared, replaced by a disapproving scowl.

          "Leave? You want to leave? Just like everyone else, huh? Why did I expect anything different? " Midoriya pulled out a gun pointing it right between your eyes.

          You stopped in your tracks putting your hands up, wishing you had just stayed at home today.

          "Why does everyone want to leave me behind!" Midoryia screamed before pulling the trigger.

          You felt yourself falling as the room went dark.

This One Day Villain! Deku x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now