Sherlock Is Autistic (An author's note)

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I've re-written this because the last version was convoluted and rambling. It's not a story, I'm afraid, but I'm leaving it here because I think it's important. 

Sherlock is autistic. 

I see people online saying he isn't---but he is.

He just is.

It's actually canon. John---a doctor who has lived with him for an extended period of time---says he has Aspergers (an old term for autism that means language and motor skills are not affected). I'll include a link in the comments to the clip.

To anyone who still doesn't believe me...why? I see a few people say 'I don't want to label him' and, to that, I say again: why?

A fish is still a fish whether you say so or not.

A tree does not stop being a tree just because there's no one around to call it so.

Anyway, this is what this whole thing is about.

Autism, Sherlock, and clearing up some nonsense.

An autistic person is someone whose brain—or some parts of the brain—is formed differently because of a genetic mutation. It's a developmental disability that affects how someone communicates, learns, behaves and experiences the world around them. 

It is NOT the same as mental disorders like ADHD. ADHD does share a few symptoms---but on a much more mild, low-level scale. It actually annoys me that autism and ADHD are lumped together so often because they're so drastically different---and I should know; I have both. 

ADHD: A chemical imbalance. Can be treated with medication. Mild in comparison. 

AUTISM: A physical deformity at a genetic level. Untreatable with medication. Affects EVERY second of our lives. The way we hear, smell, taste, see, feel the world around us is drastically different in every way. 

Autism is natural, has been around since the dawn of time, and is not caused by vaccinations (the man who made this claim was found to be fraudulent in his data and was stripped of his medical licence). 

A lot of crazy people out there want to find a way to 'cure' us of our autism. 

Autism is NOT like cancer---you can't chop it off us, or shrink it with drugs. We do not 'have autism'---we do not carry it around with us. We are autistic, the same way someone 'is human' or has XX or XY chromosomes. It is unchangeable and it is inside us---inside every single strand of our DNA. 

And I'd like to keep mine there, thank you very much. 

The only way to 'cure' us would be to alter our DNA before we develop in the womb---or kill us when we are already born

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The only way to 'cure' us would be to alter our DNA before we develop in the womb---or kill us when we are already born. But then you would be robbing the world of so many unique and beautiful minds. Some autistic people you can thank for making the world a better, more interesting place:

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