What Happened In Room 32 (Part 8)

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Sherlock stayed silent for a long time, and Y/N wondered if he was going to answer at all. Maybe he's too shy, too English to talk about sex. She didn't even dare consider the fact that he wasn't answering because he'd hated it and was trying to spare her feelings. 'He couldn't have hated it,' She thought, 'Unless he's a really good actor.' Remembering the way her touch had run over things that made him hiss and arch beneath her: 'He must have enjoyed it, at least a bit'.

Just when she thought he was never going to say anything:

"More than you can possibly imagine."

Y/N's lips twitched into a smile. 'He's not shy, he just couldn't find the right words to sum it up,' Y/N mentally chuckled to herself, a little swell of pride blooming in her chest at the thought that if someone was to look through Sherlock's memories they'd come across that night, that spike of joy, and she'd be able to say 'that was me. I did that'.

Sherlock's shoulders weren't squared anymore, the fabric of his shirt going loose again as his muscles relaxed. Like a weight had been lifted from his back and he suddenly felt free from it, lighter.

...Had he just wanted to talk about it? That night? Y/N's smile grew into a smirk; 'Maybe that's what was bothering him. He'd just experienced the most amazing feeling in his life and he thought he wasn't allowed to talk to anyone about it.'

"Did you?"

Y/N dragged her mind back to reality to see that Sherlock had turned to her, now, concerned, as if he'd been itching to ask her all day long. He probably had. He was so eager for the answer that he'd forgotten his still-unsorted pile of socks completely. "I know it was my first time so I didn't really know...you know. But you didn't...hate it, did you?"

Y/N laughed out loud now at Sherlock's expression, so vulnerable, his whole demeanour laced with hesitancy. Her heart swelled with love for him and it made her giddy. He wants to talk about it so they are going to talk about it. Taking the sock from him and matching it with the one she'd been holding, "No, of course not. How could you even ask that? It was amazing, that whole night was amazing. You were amazing."

He flushed pink.

"You were gentle and generous and...the most beautiful man I've ever seen. You clearly cared about my pleasure, maybe even more than your own." A memory swamped her mind, filling it like warm syrup, and she was beaming without realising. "Some people would have just...you know. Skipped to the end, focused wholly on themself. Not you, though." Remembering the sensual trail of kisses he'd drawn down her whole body. The way he'd given each centimetre of her skin his undivided attention, using her reaction to find the places she especially liked, learning her body. "You took your time. That night with you was the best night I've ever had." She wasn't even lying. "Getting to touch you, feeling you touching me, it was better than I dreamed." That last part had slipped out by accident and Y/N flushed up to her ears. That had been too close. Too close to her secret love for him and too close to sounding creepy.

Sherlock didn't seem to mind, though. If he was sitting in a seat he'd be perched on the edge of it. "Really?" The corner of his perfectly biteable lips were tugged into a more than smug smirk and he bashfully peeked at Y/N through his fringe. "And...you dreamed of making love to me?"

Why did hearing him call it that send shivers coursing through every nerve? "Yes." What's the point in denying it?

He saw her blushing and said gently, his smugness being replaced with bashful sincerity. "Don't feel bad. I...I imagined it too."

Her heart missed a beat, like when you save yourself just in time from falling down the stairs. Trying to hide it, Y/N placed the last of the sock pairs into their correct place. Sherlock had imagined it too? She found herself wishing there were more socks to sort. They'd given her hands something to do, her gaze a place to rest that wasn't on her friend. She didn't want to scorch him with the laser beam that was all of her attention. She didn't want to scare him away. She wanted him to keep talking.

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