First encounter

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Dusk (oc) P.O.V
I look out and see the hustle and bustle of the Chichester airport. I can't believe it. After working and studying for practically all my life. With the exception of that gap year where I did the island challenge with my cousin and a close family friend where I came sorta close to beating my dad but now I'm 17 and I'm gonna be a professor just like mom. I started to check my supplies to make sure I was ready, Pokemon check , clothes for the colder weather check, back up supply of food check, then I went to look at my watch. "OH NO" 5:00 I was supposed to be there in 30 minutes"I better start running."
me and Gloria had a day off but Hop didn't so were chatting among-st ourselfs at a cafe in wyndon.
"So how was the trip to alola" I asked curiously
"It was bonkers, me and hop got to ride mantines, we got to see a totem Pokemon, and hop had a chance to see my bathing suit" she said that last part in cheeky way.
"I'm guessing he went red like an applin."
"Yeah it's really cute seeing him like that" she explained while grinning.
"To be fair to hop you would've turned red too when you saw his chest if you weren't dating already"
"What... Aw cmon no I wouldn't" she replied obviously flustered.
" yeah your right you would've turned red anyway" I said with a smirk.
"Oh come off it now"
"Okay fine ,so how was the champion like"
"Super nice and supportive like Leon except in a less in annoying way and more wise. And definitely less braggy
I chuckled a little at that.
" but he was a little ummm off"
"What do you mean , like he's a helix believer"
"No no I mean he asked if I was single"
"What isn't he like 32"
" yeah but the thing is after I said I was dating hop he said sorry he just wanted to ask because I seemed like a good person for his son who's single and is moving too galar soon to be a professor"
" that is a little odd but I can kinda see why he asked that"
"What do you mean" she asked with a puzzled look.
"He sounds like nice father who wants to make sure his son isn't alone in a new region. Even if it came of as weird"
"Yeah I guess. Hey speaking of being single are you still."I blushed a little before answering
" It's been 7 months since you and Bede broke up with each other, not to mention you guys only dated for two months"
" I know it's just I have no clue what kinda guy I'd be into and even if I did what if it ends the same way like with Bede"
"Okay you and I and even Bede knows you guys dating was an irrational decision. You just have to make sure the guy you make it official with is the guy you generally want to be with romantically."
"Wow love advice from the same girl that it took her now boyfriend to be near a mental breakdown before realizing that she loves him."
"Ah...well played spikemunth" a ding came from Gloria's phone.
"Ah dang it, they're making do. A surprise signing in hammerloke"she looked at me with sadness in her eye.
"It's fine you can go"
"Really" she asked with concern.
"All right thanks you the best." she then ran off to her champion duties. After that talk about my love life or lack their of, I decided yo take a walk when I suddenly bumped into someone.
Dusk (pov)
"Ahhh" I screamed a bit after I collided with something. I opened my eyes to see the world was a blurry mess. My glasses must been knocked off but I did see a a human figure laying down on the ground. I quickly realized what happened.
"Ohhh no I'm so sorry I'm in such a rush because I'm gonna be late for the first day of my dream job as a professor and I don't know the streets yet and-" I was cut off
"It's fine, when you bump into someone best thing is just apologize and that's just what you did. I'm grateful for that. Hey these are yours right" responded the mystery person with a feminine touch implying that they were a girl. She then proceeded to put my glasses on my Face. I stopped scrunching my face to see and opened my eyes completely and there I saw one the most beautiful girls I've seen in my life. Now it wasn't a love at sight first moment but it sure did catch me off guard. I released I was staring and quickly looked way. It kind looked like she was staring too at least I hope.                                                                                                                                       "Marnie"                                                                                                                                                                            "what"                                                                                                                                                                             "that's my name,yours"                                                                                                                                                "Dusk Northstar"I explained while getting up from the floor
"Uhhh hey do you want me to help you on the way to your job" she exclaimed. I don't know if it was her kick ass goth clothing or her cute galarion accent but anyone could tell I was probably gonna fall for this girl HARD.
"Thanks but I think I can do it on my own and really don't want to bother you and. I got get there by 5:30-" I was cut off again
"Wait you have an hour to spare why are you in such a hurry"
"What do you mean my watch says... Oh dang it I put on kalos time instead of galar I'm so sorry."
Hey it's fine, getting your dream job puts a lot of stress you. That's probably why you forgot to double check it."
"Yeah your right I guess I can relax for a bit hey do you think you have the time to show around wyndon since I'm gonna be living here"
"Sure but ahh are those your Pokemon" she pointed to a belt with some poke-balls attached to it."
"Uhh yeah thanks for pointing that out" I quickly grabbed it embarrassed.
"Hey looks like you got a full team there how about a battle"
"Sure" I exclaimed before taking part in one the most important battles of my life.

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