First Battle

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Dusk pov

"How about a three vs three match." I asked with a gleam in my eye "Sure" she responded with a smirk."Alright then come on out Magnezone." I shouted before releasing the 2nd Pokemon I ever caught.

"zone"it cheered before looking around and seeing it's new surroundings. "Mag" it said with confusion as it looked around at the wonder of Wyndon"sorry magnezone I was planning to release you in the lab but right now I need you to battle. Can you do that for me." "magne" it sounded like it was ready to fight.

"huh never seen that Pokemon before. Too bad I won't be seeing it for long. Go Scrafty" she exclaimed before releasing the hoodlum Pokemon .I was familiar with this species thanks to my cousin who had one on her team during our island challenge,"Alright magnezone use metal sound." Magnezone sent a sound wave over Scraffty who cringed at the noise. A blue whip went around its body indicating it's sp. defense dropped harshly.

"Brick break before it can attack" Marnie said then Her Scraffty ran ( or tried to run It's hard when you have baggy pants all the time) to strike my electric Pokemon with a mighty chop.The attack was super effective and took out half of Magnezone's health.

"Alright finish it with a thunderbolt."I commanded. Magnezone then spun it's magnets around before firing an electric stream at the opposing Pokemon. Scraffty fainted due to Magnezone's high sp. attack stat and the previous metal sound.

"Great job magnezone but don't but don't stay cocky we got two more opponents to face" I commented. "That you do." Marnie replied "how about I show them to you. toxicroak go." she said before releasing the toxic mouth Pokemon.

"xicroak" it said with bit of blood lust. I remember from my studies that fighting Pokemon typically took battling more seriously .

"toxicroak use earthquake, stat ." Oh no if that hits it'll be a K.O for sure. I had to react quickly.

"Magnezone use magnet rise quickly" but it was too late and cracks in the dirt below caused dirt to fly all around magnezone and leave him fainted on the spot.

"come back magnezone" I pulled out his poke ball and withdrew him from battle then I grabbed a quick ball from my belt and proceeded to release my strongest Pokemon who was also my first

"GO MALAMAR"I shouted with great force as my most faithful companion sprung into battle not being surprised by his surroundings due to his psychic side giving him knowledge on these things.

"Toxicroak finish this one like the last with a cross shop." Toxicroak moved fast while forming an x with his hands before chopping Malamar with both.He seemed to have been a bit shaken by the attack but not anywhere close to fainting.

"Malamar hit back with a psycho cut" Malamar's tentacles began to glow pink as he slashed toxicroak repeatedly and with him being a poison fighting type was taken out immediately by the psychic type move."

"come back toxicroak you deserve a good rest" she said with a kindness in her voice."alright you pushed me far but time for you to face my best Pokemon, Go Grimsnarl" out came out a Pokemon I've only seen in books. it had a green nose and vine like hands.From what I remember it's a physical attacker and and a fairy dark type so my move pool with Malamar became very shallow.

"Grimsnarl hit him with a play rough." Grimsnarl appendages glowed a light pink as he repeatedly hit Malamar leaving him only 3/8's of his health left.

"Alright use your super power" I said before Malamar began to launch himself at Marnie's Grimsnarl with a red flare in his eye as he attacked him with well super powered blows. but instead of a blue aura going around Malamar like one does after a super power, a red aura flew around him instead thanks to his contrary ability which boosted his attack and defense. Marnie seemed unfazed; perhaps she was familiar with my Pokemon's ability.

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