First cuddle and something else?

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Auther's note: I don't own any of the ip's referenced in this fic

Dusk POV

It's been three days since my first date with Marnie. Since then we've been texting each other nonstop. Now all my tea breaks are spent talking to Marnie and I couldn't be happier.Though I still don't know what our 2nd date should be.After all with whole dating in secret thing it's a bit hard to go anywhere in the public eye, add that up with my complete inexperience of dating and it might be three more days till I think of something.

Marnie POV

"Can you run the date over me again."Gloria asked while we were fighting

"Cmon this is the 6th time you've asked."I complained being little annoyed and embarrassed that Gloria kept asking me about my date with Dusk.Though I couldn't really complain since talking about it made relive that day again.He was a really sweet guy and he made science attractive which really surprised me. I feel like we bonded over that one date more than Bede ever did with our whole 2 months of dating. I feel like I really hit the jackpot with him.

"how about just the kiss"

"I kissed him on the cheek and then turned away as red as tomato berry their you got your story now are we gonna train or what" After our multiple battles using different strategies it was 7'clock.

"well I think that's enough for today." I said as I was getting a bit tired

"What are did you think your gonna do tonight." she asked

"I was planning on just binging some horror movies till I pass out."

"you should invite Dusk. it can even your 2nd date" She recamended. I thought about it for a second.

"you what that's not a bad idea" I said with a gleam in my eyes.As I flew back home I took out my phone and started to text dusk

Marnie: hey you off work yet

yup almost done here:Dusk

Marnie: you doing anything tonight

                                                                                                            Nah it was just going another night of :Dusk                                                          re reading some of my books   

Marnie: I was planning to watch some horror movies at my house.                                                                              wanna come over and watch 

sure, when should I come over:Dusk

Marnie:come over at 7:30, casual clothing                                                                                                                  like last last time.

 alright then I'll come over:Dusk

The cab stopped and I got off to get ready for my 2nd date with Dusk

Dusk POV

I put on my red sweater and some torn jeans as well as a beanie to go on this movie date with Marnie, but before I could go out the door Sonia stopped me."and where are you going"

"Marnie just asked me to go on another  with her"

"2nd date, someones making nice process. So where are you going"

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