First Date

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Author's Note:That moment when you watch she ra and you want a gay ship in your story so you change Hani's gender to female .If you wanted to know Marnie, Hop, and Gloria are 17 while Dusk is 18 also forgot to put this last chapter but a big thank you to RickytheLucario for giving me advice from the 2nd chapter and onward.

Marnie POV

'I can't believe what I just did' I thought to myself on the fly home to Spikemuth. I just asked someone out on a date. 7 months after the breakup, and I'm giving it another shot. I just hope it turns out differently after all dusk seems like a nice guy  assuming he's telling the truth about being a professor. He was also really good at battles which to me is a fast way to connect with someone. Seeing him battle with such confidence and using strategies like metal sound before  a thunderbolt by a high def Pokemon or using attract on a stronger Pokemon while using stall moves to whittle my Grimsnarl down and that superpower + contrary combo really surprised me. Add all these up with his raven hair which looked a little messy but still nice and his emerald eyes that shined and how much of a connection he had with his Pokemon definitely made me umm... fond of him quickly. though whether or not we would go on another date or make it official I still don't know yet. I'll I can do is hope.

Dusk POV

I knocked on the door of the lab and waited about 5 secs before someone opened the door.He was a tall guy about 6,1 about the same as me. He had purple hair like Ula'ula island kahuna Acerola but darker. He had Tan skin and golden eyes and bore a striking resemblance to uncle Hau except with glasses and a lab coat.

"Hello welcome to the Galar Wyndon lab.My name's Hop, I'm the lab assistant here. How can I help you today" he chirped happily

"uhh... I'm here for the job interview" I said a little put off by his positive aura. He looked like he won the lottery 5 times and he just scored the girl(or guy I don't know which way he swings yet) of his dreams.

"oh! you must be..." he flipped through some papers on a clipboard."dusk right"

"yeah that's me" his face turned a little sour before he spoke up again"wait just a second I'll go get Sonia" he soon ran off up the stairs. Then a red head girl went down the stairs. I recognized her from our many Dodou meetings online(Hi I'm the author and I'm not sorry in the slightest for that pun) about my job here.

"Ahh dusk good to see you and right on time too. We'll do the final stretch of your interview soon but I have an important call so Hop please give Dusk here a tour of the facility" Sonia announced."sure thing come on I think the egg incubators are good place to start and ..." I interrupted him."do you mind if take out my Pokemon.They'll probably want a tour too"I asked. "Sure thing" he answered. I grabbed my belt and then proceeded to release my whole team.                                                                                                                                                                                                                " alright guys check out your probably future home" I said because getting this job would also mean getting a small room here which would be my place to stay here.The first three Pokemon to come out were Malamar,Magnezone, and Shiinotic who's shock factors have completely passed over them. the next three however have not come out in this new region on the other side of the planet. They were my Marowak (Alolan form), Araquanid, and My Mudstale. they looked around the lab in awe."so you guys think you're gonna like it here" I asked my team. They nodded as they said their respective cry's.

" Whoa you got a full team, what for".Hop wondered. I soon explained to hop the same thing I said to Marnie while he gave a me tour of the place."wow so what happened next" Hop queried with excitement. "The champion's decidueye used leaf blade on Mudstale but she tanked it with about 15 hp left.she hit him with a pay back and then he was finally defeated". "wow so it took all your Pokemon to defeat his decidueye". "yeah that's undeniably his strongest Pokemon not including legendaries and ultra beasts of course.".                                                                                                                                        

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