Chapter 1

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This is my first book that I'm uploading. Sorry if its a little rough or if the plot is all over the place. Try to be patient. I'll try to upload as much as possible if you give me your opinions and tell me stuff that you think could improve it. I hope you like it. And please try to comment. I'll read every one (good or bad)   -  MysteryXxChick   ( sorry for some of the spelling) Image on side is of Emily (EDITED)                                   


                                                                     CHAPTER 1

It has been over three years since me and my mom went into hiding. We were finally coming home. I was excited, nervous, and a little anxious. I couldn't wait to see my dad. I missed him like crazy. He had talked to me through the mind link since he couldn't call me. These past years have been unbearable. But for my mom it was worse since she was away from her mate.

At times I had been really worried about her. She would get so down, everyday she was away from him was torture. I could see it written all over her face. I would be there to pick her up and give her a shoulder to cry on. I was glad that I could see the relief in her as we were getting closer to the castle. We were in a black Escalade with 4 grown male shifters. There was a car in front of us and behind us. 6 more shifters in each car. Plus there were some running beside us fully shifted.

I new we were well protected, so that wasn't the reason for my discomfort. There was only one name that I could place with my anxiety. Dustin! I was scared to see him again after all these years. There wasn't a day that went by that I wasn't thinking about him.

When I had left I was heart broken. And with his face always there with when I closed my eyes, lets just say it didn't help. I didn't want to think about him. But his face would always pop into my head at the most inconvenient. When I was going to sleep, when I got up, during a sad movie or chick flick. Yeah I was being tortured by myself.

The war wasn't over, but my 18th birthday was in two weeks. When I turned 18 I would feel a longing for my mate. So we were heading back to the castle to find him. When you first find your mate you have to stay close to them to strengthen the bond. At fist you'll just find that person extremely sexy. And you wont be able to get them out of your head. Next thing you know you love that person more than anything.

You would do anything for that person, even die if that meant they were safe. They be become your whole world in an instant. Once you feel that love is usually when you get marked. Some people don't want a mate and try not to mark. But once you love them its impossible not to mark them. Marking makes the bond stronger.

All everyone used to tell me was how wonderful it was to find your mate. I don't think so. I had heard the stories about mates rejecting each other. The rejected mate was so overcome with grief that they committed suicide. To feel so much sadness that you would rather die than live without their mate. I don't want to feel that kind of pain. Yeah I'm scared of getting rejected. So what, everyone has fears. Bite me.

I looked out the window as the castle came into view. I saw a figure standing at the castles entrance. I might not be able to shift yet. But I still had really sharp senses. It was my dad. I shrieked I was so happy. As soon as they stopped the car I jumped out and ran to him. When I reached the top of the stairs I threw my arms around him.

"I missed you daddy!" Tears in my eyes.

"Emily, you've grown so much. I missed you angel! Your not leaving my side again til your 25." He stepped back and looked at me."Your beautiful just like your mother." I looked like my mom with my hair and facial structure. But I got my eyes from him. He had dirty blond hair and sharp masculine features. He was like 6"2 and really strong. I heard someone come up behind us.

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