Part 6

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Acrus:This is war I will destroy the Universe at the command of my master

Ash runs to the school and Meets up with His friends they become the Ultra Guardians as they Charge toward the danger.

Ash:Acrus Who is your master?
Acrus:Lysander just as it states in the prophecy
Ash:Lysander is alive well tell him in your text retreat hello from the bonds.
Acrus:Why don't I go do that now?

Acrus leaves as Ash jumps off his ride Pokémon with Greninja they are diving towards Guzzlord Greninja becomes surrounded in a water Veil that stops them both from any injuries from the point they Jumped.

Ash:Pikachu Electro ball aim for the mouth Greninja help him out with water shurkin.

Pikachu and Greninja fire attacks towards the Mouth of Guzzlord who knocks them away

Lille:Ash we'll distract it you do your thing.

Ash nodded as he Pikachu and Greninja ran off confusing Guzzlord but it grabbed Lille and was about to eat her.

Ash:DIA NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Dia:Zorak Teleport the girl

Lille is teleported she is scared for her life but is confused as to who dia is.

Ash:Pikachu electro web!

Pikachu fires a web so Guzzlord can't move
Dia:Plasma Fists
ZoraAura does as told knocking the Pokémon back Ash places on his Blue Z Crystal
Ash:Greninja use Veil of the bond!
Greninja does what it did last time this Knocked out Guzzlord Ash Grabbed a Ultra Master Beast ball and threw it at Guzzlord.







Ash:I just caught Guzzlord!
Dia:I'm sad to break it to you ash But look there are two more

Ash and Dia run towards them and do the exact same thing but They only got one of them the other one kept dodging.

Dia:What do we do
Ash:I have an idea Greninja remember back in kolas I was trying to create my own moves with the bond you perfected it you thinking what I'm thinking?
Gren:Ya beat I am let's do it
Ash:Greninja use...








Greninja summons a Veil and throws it At the Guzzlord because it's in so much shock it faints ash throws his Poke ball and catches the final Guzzlord.

Dia:Alright we did it right?

Suddenly Lysander appears on all the screens

Lysander:Hello people of the world I am Lysander and I have control over most Legendary's the only person that can stop me Ash has been tricked you told me hello from the bonds but let me tell you this



Lysander:Hello from your doom just kidding I just like a harder challenge then the Hardest one.

Ash-Greninja vs Acrus and his army (Fan fiction)Where stories live. Discover now