Part 8

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Ash:Haven't been here in Quite some time are you guys okay?
Mew two:There tired Hungry and Thirsty Side affect of Me and Mew's teleport wonder why it didn't work on you?
Ash:Cause it didn't work on Greninja
Xerneas:Look There it's a Pokémon centre we can rest there but the day after tomorrow is when we head out some of us where already those things so Mew two and Mew made it worse.

*After resting*

Ash:Alright where is Lysander?
Xerneas:At this airport let's go Quickly there is no time to lose!

Everyone runs to the Airport Lysander Sees them Mew teleports them all to the Bridge the Battle for Kolas took place on.

Lysander:Why are we Battling here my army Attack them all
????????:Oh no you don't!

Everyone looked to see all the champions elite fours and Gym leaders that were not already there. Then Lysanders army came along with some Grunts and His admin Flare.

Ash:No matter how many ether of us have we won't let you win Lysander
Lysander:And we won't let you win easily ether


Ash-Greninja vs Acrus and his army (Fan fiction)Where stories live. Discover now