Part 7 (Rushed)

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3 days later.

Ash is pacing back and forth on the beach he saw the Airport get blown up and the docks how is he gonna get to Kolas now?
Xerneas:Ash Lysander is in Sinnoh Mew can teleport you there
Ash:Oh yeah well we're gonna do use Mew And Mewtwo Quite a lot
Xerneas:They don't mind I mean they are one of the only ways to get around at the moment.
Gladion:Ash Wait I'm coming with you
Hau:And so am I.
Kawie:Count me in
Lille:If my brothers going then so am I
Mellow & Lana:Count us in to
Brock:There right
Dawn:Were all on the same side right
Misty:Yes we are
Bonnie:Let's do this
Clamont:Let's Go
Serena:Lets do this
May and Max:Were ready
Gary:We are all here for you ash
All of ash's friends:Yeah!
Ash:If you wish to come be warned I'm most likely gonna uhhh die then get revived
Mew two:Like always now let's go kick so Sandy but no offen Sandy And Lana
Lana:None taken
Ash:Mew Mewtwo use teleport!!!!!

Ash-Greninja vs Acrus and his army (Fan fiction)Where stories live. Discover now